LGBTQP & Feminism: Liberal Zionists’ Weapon of Soft War

The arrogant powers know that the most conducive environment to producing lions of resistance is the God-centric, stable, loving, balanced, and ethical heterosexual family unit. By chipping away at this foundation, they can invest in a future population that is docile and easy to oppress, whereby throwing the family unit into chaos will result in social chaos and thus resulting in an organizational chaos that prevents any effective resistance movement from taking shape.
In an article that appeared in the liberal Zionist “israeli” newspaper Haaretz, Rajaa Natour – a Palestinian woman – wrote about the need to remove “toxic masculinity” from the Palestinian struggle.
Ultimately, she is targeting the leadership and military of Hamas and Islamic Jihad. The fact that she is writing for an “israeli” newspaper shows how she serves to protect the occupation of her own country, knowingly or unknowingly.
Such a dangerous article reveals a much larger agenda to attack the God-centric family unit. This agenda is a weapon of soft war used by the Zionists to demoralize the Palestinian resistance and reduce the religious impetus that causes people to eagerly join armed resistance, which is the only struggle that will actually liberate Palestine. Non-violent resistance is great and has its place, but it only works when it it complements and uplifts the efforts of armed resistance, as it cannot by itself liberate Palestine from the river to the sea.
The UN 2030 program and other forms of Anglo-American liberal cultural imperialism are aimed directly at pacifying the Islamic world by having them be distracted by the lowly desires of their nafs (the [lower] self), and replacing the selfless nature of service to family with the selfish nature of service to self.
This is a weapon that liberal Zionists are targeting the Palestinian population with as well as the Palestine solidarity movement, with the hijacking of the Palestinian cause by the LGBTQP movement who often overshadow the legitimate Palestinian struggle with their so-called “struggle” to display lewd sexual imagery in public and normalize highly sexualized content in the media, academia, and culture of society.
While supporting LGBTQP “rights” around the world has become an official part of US foreign policy under Trump and Biden, prior to that it was done covertly through the CIA’s soft war programs, going back as early as the CIA’s funding of the “New Left” during the Cold War, to create a very anarchist, anti-authoritarian branch of leftism that would oppose America’s enemies abroad, such as the USSR or DPRK that had relatively pro-family policies.
The Congress for Cultural Freedom was one such CIA-funded organization that would promote cultural liberalism in the face of some of the “dictatorships” of the East, who often referred to homosexuality as a capitalist perversion and had various policies to curtail public displays of LGBTQP “culture” and its normalization. This is further expounded upon in the book Cultural Cold War by Frances Saunders.
In modern day, this is often funded covertly by USAID, a “humanitarian” front group funded by the CIA. Recently, an organization “LiveLoveBeirut” posted a rainbow Lebanese flag in Paris on Instagram, likely to encourage people to vote for pro-Sodomite politicians in the upcoming Lebanese parliamentary elections in addition to promoting immoral culture in Lebanon generally.
On their own website, LiveLoveBeirut admits to being funded by USAID and UKAID among other nefarious NGOs who work for countries that have intentionally economically besieged Lebanon, including the financing of the Lebanese Forces party who intentionally hoarded gasoline and diesel to plunge Lebanon into both literal and metaphorical darkness. Promoting sexual debauchery in Lebanon is a great way to distract people by having them chase their lowly desires all day (in the most demented of ways), which allows the tyrants free reign to pillage the nation.
It is impossible for a militant LGBTQP activist to be anti-imperialist or revolutionary. Of course, if someone keeps their sin private, then it is just like any other sin: it is between them and God, and they deserve compassion from those who are closest to them (not righteous indignation from random strangers) in hopes that they may return to the light one day and overcome their self-destructive behavior.
If they keep it private, they are of course additionally welcome to express their disdain for all the inhumane and unjust policies of the world and join any protest movements on an individual basis. But those who have an open socio-political agenda of extreme cultural normalization and promoting their lifestyle in the public, then they are nothing but soft war soldiers for international Zionism and American imperialism.
It only makes sense that the liberal wing of Zionism would use such debauchery as a soft war tool to change the environment in Palestinian culture, which raises up such lions of resistance who make the IDF soil their adult diapers, as was seen in the victory of Hezbollah in 2006 or the recent 11-day war between Gaza and the illegitimate Zionist entity in 2021.
They know that such lions can only be produced in a household where there is a mother and a father, who were married under the blessing of God prior to conceiving children. Such lions would never grow up in a household where there are two “fathers” or two “mothers.”
A heterosexual household has peace, love, and moreover order. The child gains different characteristics from the mother and father, provided they act properly and are not dysfunctional as people. The balance of yin and the yang, the divine masculine and the divine feminine which stem from the 99 names of Allah, in which there are two categories: the authoritative and the beautiful.
While the woman can manifest the authoritative names, she mostly manifests the beautiful names, and vice-versa for the man. There is no way a complete, well-rounded and righteous child can be developed in a household where only beauty or only authority is displayed, and in the case of homosexual “couples,” they are additionally dysfunctional as a result of their anti-social behavior, so even the authoritative and beautiful traits are not even displayed properly, but in a distorted, twisted form.
Homosexual couples are incapable of committed, stable relationships, leaving the household filled with instability.
Additionally, an LGBTQP household is not a safe environment for children. On the one hand, there will be lewd imagery displayed on TV by the types of shows that they watch, which can include everything from R-rated raunchy films to pornography, as well as the unfortunate sounds and sights of deviant sexual behavior in the house that damages the psyche of the child subconsciously.
The worst danger to children is that pedophilia is considered a “normal” sexual preference according to Queer Theory, along with the statistics that show that the LGBTQP population is more likely to engage in child molestation than their heterosexual counterparts.
According to all of the founding academics behind the Queer Theory academic school – such as French philosopher Michel Foucault, who had raped young boys in Tunisia in a cemetery – pedophilia is a normal sexual preference just like the other ones. This means that children raised in an LGBTQP household are more likely to be sexually abused by their “parents,” or at the very least subject to viewing lewd and inappropriate imagery (such as early exposure to pornography) at a young age, which is still psychologically damaging even if not as much as physical sexual abuse.
The normalization of LGBTQP in Palestine can, in the long run, lead to placing Palestinian children in a very vulnerable position. If these cultural warriors succeed in legalizing same sex adoption, not only will it destroy the fabric of Palestinian society, it will put innocent Palestinian children into the hands of potential child abusers.
Which makes it all the more sad that this has seeped its way into Palestine solidarity discourse and activism. Last year, the official BDS Movement organization promoted the “Queer Cinema for Palestine” annual film festival.
Boycotting “israel” is indeed a basic duty at the individual level, but it by itself won’t liberate Palestine and that is why we must decentralize the notion of BDS away from the corrupted, West-toxified BDS Movement organization.
What is more shocking is that the notion that Palestinian children would be put into danger if LGBTQP was normalized in West Asia is given more plausibility by the fact that one of the speakers at this BDS-endorsed film festival is none other than Judith Butler, who herself is considered a contemporary academic in the field of Queer Theory. According to Professor Derrick Jensen, Butler also supports the normalization of pedophilia just like her predecessor Michel Foucault. These people should be kept far, far away from anything to do with Palestine and especially the precious, innocent Palestinian children.
The end result of all this chipping away at stable, God-centric, loving, and healthy family environments is to destroy the environment that enables the resistance that threatens the arrogant powers’ hegemony.
In her article, Natour goes as far as to insult the heroic Gilboa Prison escapees, lamenting that “Palestinian prisoner Zakaria Zubeidi did not defeat the occupation nor will he defeat it anytime soon.” She insults and reduces to nothing the feat of a high-tech prison being compromised by a few spoons and other makeshift tools.
So what will defeat the occupation, Ms. Natour? Writing for an occupation newspaper like Haaretz?
What is most stunning is that her headline exclaims that promoting feminism, eliminating “toxic masculinity,” and other such culturally subversive demands are the only hope for the Palestinian struggle. It would be bad enough if she said that traditional values and male hero figures are a hindrance to the Palestinian struggle, but she emphasizes that it is the only way to salvage the Palestinian struggle.
Such brazen attacks on the noble Palestinian resistance are a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it is a very dangerous notion that all supporters of Palestinian liberation and of divine morality must stand against. On the other hand, their arrogance makes them stupid and they don’t realize that they are showing us their deck of cards for all to see, so we are more able to realize how painfully obvious their agenda is. As the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Sayed Ali Khamenei, says: thank God our enemies are idiots. He also says that armed resistance is the only way to liberate Palestine from the river to the sea.
If Ms. Natour is truly sympathetic to the Palestinian struggle, she best explain how writing for the occupation’s newspaper is a viable strategy but armed resistance and its “macho culture” is not.