Is Africa Heading Towards Expulsion of the NATO-Zionist Empire from Its Soil?
Acting Malian Prime Minister, Choguel Kokalla Maiga stated, “We don’t want to be hostage to other states, who would decide whether or not to deliver fuel to our nation and whether or not there would be food on Malians’ tables.”
This is the stick and carrot approach, via sanctions, commonly used by former enslavers and colonizers, the Americans and Europeans. In addition, the recent removal of the “Israeli” observer delegation from the African Union Summit in Addis Ababa are telling signs of an Africa that has reawakened and asserted its independence. Indicators suggest that they have not forgotten NATO’s 2011 criminal assault upon Libya, and America’s more recent support and backing of the TPLF’s violent attempt to overthrow the Ethiopian elected government.
Since the 2011 American and European overthrow of the Libyan government, and brutal murder of Muammar Gaddafi through NATO, increasingly, Africans are forcing militaries of former enslavers and colonialists out. African countries are embracing Russia to assist in training and fighting against destabilizing terrorist groups. Militarily, it is the Russian Wagner Group that is taking a leading role without the historical baggage of enslaving and colonizing blacks.
As a result, the US government, Joe Biden and the US Congress, has branded the Wagner Group as terrorists, and applied sanctions against it. As a reminder of the slavery and colonialists history, not only did the Americans and Europeans – led by Barack Obama, Nicolas Sarkozy of France, and David Cameron of Britain – overthrow Libya, but used violent terrorists to aid them in that effort which resulted in actual slave markets in western areas of Libya where some blacks were enslaved. The desecration of the Libyan city of Tawergha, made up of black Libyans, by NATO bombs, is another terrifying legacy.
This is their double dealing, bringing money and a pretense of fighting terrorism while training and arming terrorists, in order to better enable their global corporations’ footprint in targeted countries.
We saw this in Somalia with Conaco-Philips, and then in Syria, and with Total in Libya. Donald Trump, in an expression of raw truth, stated that the US military is in Syria to “take the oil,” dropping the deceitful “liberty and democracy” or “war against terrorism” calling cards.
As Nicolas Sarkozy and US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton were plotting the overthrow of Libya, under the invitation of the Libyan government, former US Congresswoman, Cynthia McKinney, Malcolm Latif Shabazz (grandson of Malcolm X – murdered by the US government in 2013), and Rev. Walter Fauntroy, all African Americans, were present in Libya and had to make a harrowing exit from Libya when the NATO bombing started.
Since 2011, Libya has been a divided and unstable country. Yet, American and European leaders peddled their war crimes against the Libyan people as bringing “freedom and democracy,” the same message and calling card used in Syria, Ukraine, and virtually everywhere else, including Venezuela.
NATO’s involvement in the overthrow of Libya led to Libyan weapons flowing into the hands of terrorists within and beyond Libya. For example, these weapons spread south into the Sahel region, empowering terrorists to cause more upheaval in Mali and beyond, even in Central African Republic.
Mali, Central African Republic, and Burkina Faso are at the forefront of removing France from their country, realizing their years of pretending to fight terrorism has been ineffective as the resources of those countries flow to France.
Former French prime minister, François Mitterrand, once stated, “Without Africa, France will have no history in the 21st century.” Driving that reality home, former French president Jacques René Chirac, stated, “Without Africa, France will slide down into the rank of a third [world] power.” Today, in Europe and America, we see inflation running rampant as the global east and south assert themselves.
Mali’s Acting Prime Minister Choguel Kokalla Maiga stated, “The terror has moved to the other camp. Terrorists no longer instill fear in Malians. On the contrary, the Malian Army scares the terrorists.” This is with the help and assistance from Russian Wagner Group. He went on to say that Russia “is a reliable partner and does not double-deal.”