The Andrew Tate Deception: A Warning to All Muslims
People of all walks of life are welcome to accept Islam as their way of life if they are sincere and convinced of its veracity. But is the conversion of Andrew Tate - former kickboxer who got rich off of managing OnlyFans porn stars - truly sincere, or is something amiss?

Originally published at the author’s Medium page under the title “Andrew Tate Declares Himself the Messiah, Messenger, and God.”
How the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ warned us about the ‘world’s most googled man’ 1400 years back.
Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) said, “The Hour will not be established until about thirty Dajjals (liars) appear, and each one of them will claim that he is Allah’s Messenger. “ (Sahih Bukhari 7121)
We seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan. And we start with the name of Allah The Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate.
Who is Andrew Tate?
Andrew Tate is a British-American influencer who shot to prominence and fame because of his obscene, violent, and misogynistic videos on social media. He was a professional kickboxer, but much of his fortune came from pornography when he used his girlfriends to set up his webcam prostitution business. He became popular within the online Muslim community when his friend uploaded a video of them both praying alone in a masjid in the UAE. It was an extremely bizarre video where the pair were filming themselves in salah. Reminded me of this hadith.
“The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) came out to us when we were discussing Dajjal (False Christ) and said: ‘Shall I not tell you of that which I fear more for you than Dajjal?’ We said: ‘Yes.’ He said: ‘Hidden polytheism when a man stands to pray and makes it look good because he sees a man looking at him.”
(Sunan Ibn Majah 4204)
This was by far the weirdest declaration of converting to Islam in history. Tate conveyed that he had become “muslim” through an act of hidden shirk. The irony is glaring!
How western Muslim Influencers deceived young Muslims regarding Andrew Tate
Daniel Haqiqatjou was the first one to embrace Andrew Tate and promote him passionately within Muslim circles. He even made acceptance of Andrew Tate a criterion to judge a true Muslim from the hypocrites (Munafiqeen).

It must be noted that according to the Quran, the Hypocrites are people of Hellfire. So according to Haqiqatjou, accepting Andrew Tate in the Muslim community can either give a person Jannah and others Jahannum. Wow!
Haqiqatjou would regularly emphasize that Tate’s debauchery was his “past sin” which had been wiped out now that he filmed himself praying. This “past sins” theory will be rubbished later in the article. Keep reading.
Second came Mohammed Hijab who quickly jumped to the occasion and interviewed him in his podcast. He could be seen sitting so reverently next to him as if he was sitting next to a Wali of Allah. Mohammed Hijab said to him at 8:28, “Obviously, you (Tate) have said many things that are antithetical to Liberalism and second-wave feminism which could be argued to be the reason why they’ve banned you.”
And Hamza Tzortzis followed suit and echoing Haqiqatjou’s nonsense said “What Andrew Tate says is what our youth wants to hear from the lips of our Imams.”
In other words Andrew Tate in some ways is even better than our Imams. La Hawla wa la Quwwata illa Billah !
Lets hear what are those things that Andrew Tate has said which are “antithetical” to Liberalism and Second Wave Feminism here:
This same bizarre narrative was promoted by Ali Dawah, Smile to Jannah, 5PillarsUK, Gabriel Romani, Eddie from Deen Show, Hasan Shibly, One Islam Productions, Ask a Muslim, Sense Islam and many others. It was as if they were just copying and pasting their content from each other. Three things they all had in common:
1. Their obsession and reverence for Andrew Tate.
2. The bizarre belief that Tate was “resisting” the New World Order.
3. Emphasizing that all of Tate’s debauchery, prostitution, and pornography was part of his “past” that he had left far behind him because of Islam.
On May 1 2023, I released a video where I proved it live through Andrew Tate’s own website that he shamelessly continues to run his pornography and prostitution business. And that he was deceiving Muslims so blatantly. This video instantly became viral on Twitter.

You can watch the video here:
Clearly we can see how the entire Muslim community was misled and deceived by Andrew Tate as well as his Muslim devotees like Daniel Haqiqatjou, Mohammed Hijab, Hamza Tzortzis, Eddie from The Deen Show and the others.
The Prophet (ﷺ) was asked, “Can a Muslim be a LIAR? He said, “NO”. (Muwatta)
Tate and his Muslim devotees shockingly made every effort to coverup and hide Tate’s pornography and prostitution business. This is what led me to find out more about Tate. I just couldn’t understand the reason behind the massive effort to cover up his crimes up and present him as a hero to the Muslim community. Something didn’t seem right. There was something more to this entire scandal.
They presented Tate in such positive light and perfectly hid his major sins that some were led to believe that Tate was some mega-Da’ee of Islam who was not only resisting the world order but also converting “millions” to Islam. And this is why he was arrested. When the truth was that he was arrested because of sex trafficking and rape charges, something which is very common when one has well-established pornography and prostitution businesses.

Now let’s head over to the extremely disturbing things that I found out about Andrew Tate and his cult. Things that will lead us to logically conclude that Andrew Tate is one of the ‘thirty liars’ (minor Dajjals) that the Prophet ﷺ warned us about. So lets start. Bismillah !
Tate repeatedly makes Free Masonic and Illuminati hand symbols

This is a very common Illuminati and Free Mason hand symbol. And it is extremely important to know that Free Masonry and Illuminati are both Kufr and Shirk based satanic secret societies. These are not conspiracies. There is way too much evidence from Muslim as well as non Muslim sources to establish this. Tate justifies this by saying his father used to keep his hands like this. That doesn’t really refute our allegations. Its probable that his father must be part of Illuminati as well and then his son inherited this kufr satanic association. Membership to these satanic societies can be inherited.
Look how western celebrities also show these Illuminati hand symbols.

Now let me inform you why these people feel the need to do this in public. Why can’t they hide it?
Answer: All of these satanic people have their personal astrologer/palmist/Tarot card reader/witch/magician who they consult about their life issues. So they are usually told to do particular acts on a particular date. If they flash these symbols at a specific event, their astrologer assures them success and prosperity. And another reason is that these symbols are flashed in order to communicate to others in the secret society that they are also members of this society. So a kind of gesture expressing brotherhood or fraternity in this satanic society.
Tate is heavily involved in witchcraft
But now I want to turn your attention to something even sinister. This will shock you. And you’ll see how our Beloved Messenger ﷺ had warned us about this fitnah, 1400 years back.
Let me ask you this. Did you see Andrew Tate’s picture when he and his brother were arrested?

The one on the left is Luana Radu/Elysha who is a webcam prostitute on the pornographic website Only Fans. And the one on the right is Tate’s assistant, Georgina Naghel. And do you know what these two women have in common apart from their moral depravity?
Yes ! Women who are experts at black magic. These two witches have an extremely close relationship with the Tate brothers and are mostly spotted in the “Tate mansion”.
Look what Tate admits about Georgina Naghel himself :

Now lets go over to Luana Radu/Elysha33. She has multiple profiles on Instagram and Twitter to promote her pornographic content.
Meet the devil woman, Andrew Tate’s personal witch.

Witchcraft is part of her morning routine.

Look how Luana Radu/Elysha33 praises Satan, equating him with God and saying that he ‘punishes’ wickedness. (Editor’s note: the number 33 is often used in freemasonry and Kabbalah)

Another one of her satanic posts from her insta account bastet_ellie_dely:

She posted the ‘Eye of Ra,’ the main symbol of Freemasons and Illuminati. Keep in mind that the eye symbol is related to Dajjal in the Islamic tradition.

Tate’s personal Magician/Hypnotist — Shi Iggy Hui (Semmelweiss)
Now the third person is Shi Iggy Semmelweiss who is Andrew Tate’s personal magician.

He is a hypnotist in Tate’s words.
Shi Iggy being a hypnotist makes perfect sense when we see the mass hypnosis that Andrew Tate has performed on young people globally. Obviously, this hypnosis works only on morally bankrupt and intellectually compromised people. Call to mind how the Magicians of Pharoah could hypnotize all the Egyptians except for true believers like Nabi Musa (as) and Nabi Haroon (as).
Let me give you an example of this mass hypnosis. When Tate was arrested, Tam Khan (Tate’s infamous friend) instead of sharing the image on the right which shows him with his two prostitute witches, shared and promoted the image on the left where Tate was holding a copy of the Quran.

This image was then promoted by Tate’s spiritually blind devotees in order to present him in good light. If this image wasnt promoted the way it was, Muslims on social media would be able to see the image with the two prostitutes who are also witches. People would be curious to know who those two women are who were arrested with the Tate brother. Then a simple google search would inform them that the two women are the personal prostitutes and witches of Andrew Tate.

But this was covered up by making the Quran image viral. All popular pages and influencers like Hamza Tzortzis, Daniel Haqiqatjou, Mohammed Hijab etc facilitated this ‘mass hypnosis’

Shi Iggy (Tate’s personal magician/hypnotist) believes Tateism or Tate’s religion will supersede Islam. This is pure Satanism.

So basically according to Tate’s magician, Islam will be replaced and superseded by Tateism and the “Living Master” who is Andrew Tate will “burn the old books.” So this is something Andrew Tate must do.
Guess what? He actually did this when he triggered a mass Satanic ritual of the desecration of the Quran when he tweeted this:

We have to understand how witchcraft works. All of it is purely satanic. As we just saw how Andrew Tate has not one, not two, but three personal magicians. When people consult magicians, the way magic works is that the magician tells their clients that if you do such and such act on such and such date you will get the “spirits” to assist you and give you success, money etc.
And you can ask any Raqi (Muslim exorcist) they will tell you the strongest type of black magic is preceded by the desecration of the Holy Quran. Here we see how Tate triggered a global Quran desecration challenge. I will not be posting any of those pictures. But I can tell you there are thousands of such offensive pictures that surfaced after Tate’s tweet. He very well knows how Satanists have no issues in desecrating the Quran. He also knows that Islamophobes will take his tweet as a challenge. This is not about bravery. Its about depravity.
Now read how Shi Iggy Semmelweiss (Tate’s personal magician) considers Tateism to be an actual religion.

Now, have you started to understand the game? It isn’t really about Andrew Tate ‘becoming a Muslim.’ But the actual plan is to convert millions of Muslims to ‘Tateists.’ And that explains why Tate tried to hide his pornography and prostitution business from his new Muslim fans. And the fake news of him leaving his porn empire was spread around the internet.
Tate owns a Twitter handle named Wudan Messiah.

Everyone knows who the Messiah is. The majority population of the globe knows and accepts that the Messiah is a special term exclusively used for Isa (Jesus) the son of Mary (as). To call oneself a Messiah is extremely sinful and deviant.
But he doesn’t stop there! He actually depicts himself in every possible way as Nabi Isa (as). His book is called The Tate Bible: The New Testament. Everyone knows that the New Testament contains parts of the Injil that were revealed to our Prophet Isa (as).

On the front page he depicts himself as Jesus.

Another image of the crucified pornographer.

On a side point. Muslims do not believe that Prophet Jesus (pbuh) was crucified. Also did you know prostitution in Islamic law comes under the category of ‘spreading fasaad fil ardh’ (corruption on earth) ? And the Islamic punishment for spreading ‘fasaad’ is execution or CRUCIFIXION or cutting of opposite limbs. Read Quran 5:33
Back to this minor False Messiah’s ‘bible’.
This is what Tate writes in his “bible”

And this:

We as Muslims should be outraged at this blasphemy against Allah’s Messenger Jesus (pbuh). Many times we as Muslims get outraged when our Prophet (ﷺ) is insulted. But somehow we don’t express the same outrage when Isa (as) is insulted. This is completely against the Quranic ethos. We as Muslims are defenders of all the blessed Messengers of God.
Read this:

This is a serious blasphemous statement. To compare a filthy pimp and pornographer with the Greatest Prophet of God (ﷺ) is to insult Him ﷺ.This should not be taken lightly.
Look at this filthy devil faced man getting a haraam massage after his release from prison. Shame on the Muslims who defend and promote this filth.

This is his Clubhouse account description.

The Prophet’s hadith is clear- Andrew Tate is one among the 30 Minor Dajjals.
Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) said, “The Hour will not be established until about thirty Dajjals (liars) appear, and each one of them will claim that he is Allah’s Messenger. “ (Sahih Bukhari 7121)
Andrew Tate has all the signs of being one of the 30 minor Dajjals to emerge before the real False Messiah (Dajjal) who will be a Jewish man ruling the world from Jerusalem. And in a way the 30 Dajjals pave the way for the main Dajjal. For example, Ghulam Ahmed Mirza, the founder of the Ahmadiyyah sect claimed to be a Prophet and the Messiah. And in doing so he misguided a huge population of Muslims away from the truth. Similarly, the rest of these 30 (minor) Dajjals will misguide humanity to such an extent that by the time the Major Masih Dajjal (False Messiah) emerges, humanity will be bereft of guidance that they will accept him happily. And all this, despite the numerous hadith of the Prophet ﷺ describing him so accurately. Pretty much like how many Muslims and Christians have fallen prey for Andrew Tate’s ‘dajjalic’ trap. No amount of admonition works on them.
The Muslims who led us to this Dajjal.
The Messenger of Allah said, “Verily, among what I fear most for my nation is every hypocrite with a knowledgeable tongue.”
Source: Musnad Aḥmad 140

The ‘misguided leaders’ mentioned in this hadith can easily encompass modern-day social media Influencers because they exert more influence on people much more than political leaders.

Translation: “The best people during the times of tribulation (End Times) will be every unknown pious person. When he shows up in a gathering, he is not recognized, and when he is absent, no one looks for him. And the WORST PEOPLE DURING THAT TIME WILL BE THE ELOQUENT ORATORS WHO TRAVEL EXCESSIVELY ….” (Kitab al Fitan Nu’aim bin Hammad)
Remember all those who led you to this minor Dajjal. Do not forget those who promoted this minor Dajjal to you. They were themselves astray and they wanted to lead us all astray. Only the morally bankrupt would promote a pimp and pornographer. And only the spiritually blind would promote a minor Dajjal.

The men who openly supported and promoted this minor Dajjal to us are — Daniel Haqiqatjou, Mohammed Hijab, Hamza Tzortzis, Hassan Shibly, Ali Dawah, Gabriel al Romani, Musa Adnan, Smile to Jannah, Eddie from The Deen Show, Dilly Hussain (5PillarsUK), Paul Williams (Blogging Theology), and many others who are not well known.
Now whats even more shocking is that some of the Muslim Tateists also display the Dajjalic illuminati symbolism.
Daniel Haqiqatjou displayed Illuminati one eye symbol on his personal Twitter profile- Skeptic Dan.

But when I called him out for it, he quickly removed it. Obviously, the sign had been given out and the work had been done. Remember this symbolism is flashed publicly to tell the other members of the secret society that you are also part of the satanic society. So once the symbol is out even if its for a few seconds, it is sufficient to send the message across to the other members.
Mohammed Hijab on the other hand has a strange attraction towards the Freemasonic agents.

All three, Daniel Haqiqatjou, Andrew Tate and Sneako have displayed free masonic and illuninati symbolism. It must be emphasized that both these secret societies are satanic pagan societies. And to copy a people is to be one of them.
Ibn Umar reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Whoever imitates a people is one of them.”
(Source: Sunan Abī Dāwūd 4031)
The Muslim organizations and pages that promoted this Minor Dajjal:
- 5 Pillars UK
- Ask a Muslim
- One Islam Productions
- Sense Islam
And unfortunately even our favorite, Mufti Menk could not save himself from this slippery fitnah.

Think about it. If they can be so inclined towards a minor Dajjal, what will be their state when the actual Dajjal emerges?
They will all be comfortable in his party. The Prophet warned us that “Since the time of Adam till the Last Day there has never been a trial worse than the trial of Dajjal the False Messiah”. This trial will throw multitudes headlong into the Hellfire and only a few will be able to pass the test. Clearly we can see that these men have failed the test of a minor Dajjal. That proves that they stand no chance whatsoever of passing the tribulation of the main Dajjal. The question that all of us need to answer is that:
Should we then take them as our teachers and role models?
If they quite literally led us to the edge of the cliff and presented a minor Dajjal to a pious soldier fighting the corrupt world order, how miserably will they fail in the trial of the Major Dajjal (The False Messiah)? Certainly these are a people who lack the spiritual insight (Noor) to distinguish the right from the wrong. And the most stupid people will choose a blind person as his/her guide. The blind cannot guide. They need guidance.
Finally, I will leave you with a Quranic ayat to ponder upon.

Notice the word ‘followers’.
May Allah protect us from the fitnah of Dajjal and misguided influencers and scholars. Ameen !
All praise belongs to Allah The Lord of the worlds.
Peace and blessings of God be upon His Beloved Messengers.
Editor’s note: It is worth noting that Andrew Tate’s father was a CIA agent. The author of this article has mentioned this fact in her other articles, but not this one in particular.
I think this is good work in exposing who Andrew Tate really is for those who may be confused or on the fence. However I don’t know if it is necessary to try and “expose” the other Muslim personalities who may have promoted him. They could be unaware, and the “evidence” that they are part of the Illuminati is really weak. It seems like she might have a personal grudge against certain people and be trying to take them down as well.
Daniel Haqiqatjou is a sectarian Salafist, yet despite having an ISIS-like mentality, he has strangely never been seen at a mosque even by his closest colleagues. It is possible Daniel is being paid by American neoconservatives to make Islam look bad, since he endorses child marriage and other things that the Zionist media claims Islam supports. That he posts a photo of himself with one eye blacked out is creepy enough to warrant suspicion. The Illuminati itself is limited to a handful of wealthy families, mostly Zionist Jews, so they’re not part of the Illuminati per se, they are the servants of its larger system by adorning the one-eye symbolism of Dajjal. The other personalities she exposed are also sectarian Salafists who are grifting on the crisis of masculinity. They know that there is a lot of money to be made copying Andrew Tate. Such personalities are not beneficial to Islam. The average non-Muslim who is searching for the truth and recongnizes that there is a God who created this universe, would cringe when they see the UK “dawah bros” who only know how to get into fights at Speaker’s Corner in London. It is insulting to reduce Islam to such thuggish, stone-minded behavior. Such personalities are not worth salvaging, and it is not out of personal grudges that they should be exposed. They are a liability to Islam and do not represent its noble values. There is a reason why the Mossad and CIA funds sectarian lunatics, whether the Salafi/Wahabbi sect on the Sunni side or the Shirazi clique on the Shia side. Both serve the same divide and conquer agenda and so we feel no guilt to publicly shame them.