UN 2030: The Blueprint of Global Zionism and the Antichrist System
The UN 2030 agenda is a threat to all of humanity, especially children. It's time we know what this creepy, dystopian agenda is all about.

While the concept of the “New World Order” has been mentioned by world leaders among the Satanic, arrogant powers for decades, such as the famous speech by George HW Bush, February 2022 was the first time the “New World Order” and the One World Government was openly mentioned in the World Economic Forum, an annual conference held in Davos, Switzerland.
The WEF has for many years served as a think tank for practical implementation of the UN Agenda 2030, therefore their mentioning of a new world order has more weight in it than in previous decades, because they influence world leaders to practically implement these ideas and designs across the world.
The 2030 agenda has many aspects to it and one of them is the concept that “you will own nothing and you will be happy.”
The UN Agenda 2030 is all happening under the guise of the need for so-called “sustainable development” to curb the effects of climate change and/or global warming, which is allegedly happening because of too much CO2 emissions which they say will melt ice in the north pole and hence some countries will go under water, including parts of USA and UK. This is in spite of the fact that the much touted “scientific consensus” on climate change is exaggerated.
However, even if we were to take climate change at face value, the biggest destroyers of the environment are the ones selling us the solution. After all, the WEF is a billionaires’ club where they layout blueprints for their puppet politicians like Justin Trudeau to follow and implement.
The real agenda is to remove God and religion from society (even more than it already is) and to depopulate the earth. Their creepy, godless techno-dystopia is devoid of any meaning in life other than endless consumption of rented goods delivered to your doorstep by drone. These values align with many of the Noahide Laws the Jewish-Zionist lobby wishes to implement across the globe. Given that they rejected the Messiah, Jesus (a), the first time and most of them will reject him the second time, they are neither waiting for Imam Mahdi (aj) nor Jesus and thus are partisans of the antichrist, which for now is a system, whose insignia is the one-eye symbolism. The Dajjal (antichrist) system has yet to be anointed with a formal head of its structure. They’d have to curate through thousands of manufactured false messiahs to find the perfect actor, while the representatives of God on earth — Imam Mahdi and Jesus — do not need to put on a show or fake anything, their attributes and assistance from the divine are pure and authentic.
They are well aware that the effects of livestock farming on the environment are greatly exaggerated and that meat is one of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet, both in terms of nutrients which cannot be found in plant foods and for those nutrients which can, the variants within meat are more bioavailable. By depriving the world of meat under the guise of climate change, they are sentencing humanity to a life of malnutrition. Additionally, big profits will go to companies who make highly-processed, unhealthy food instead of to local farmers.
Islamic wisdom on meat is simple: don’t eat so much meat so often that your stomach turns into a graveyard, but eat meat at least once every 40 days.
Additionally, their fake plant-based “meat” is loaded with low-fat, highly-processed industrial oils like soy, corn, and canola oils. According to Women’s International Pharmacy, “all hormones are made from protein and fat, while sex hormones (such as estrogen and testosterone) are made from cholesterol.” When sources of healthy fats are cut out of the diet, according to long-debunked dogma that cholesterol and fats are inherently bad, hormones necessary for normal fertility do not get the fuel they need to be at normal levels, and thus, infertility rates rise.
The elites, primarily Zionist Jews and paganistic freemasons, believe in eugenics, which is a form of selective breeding. They believe that only certain people are superior enough to live and reproduce on this earth, and that the rest should be outbreeded or culled (killed or have their fertility reduced). For Jewish supremacists, their view of superiority is based on a racial hierarchy. For freemasons, their sense of superiority is that they view man as god, and that the “enlightened” among men are gods on earth who can do as Nimrod, the Satanic tyrant and enemy of Prophet Abraham (a), did during his lifetime, which is to declare that a human being has the power to give life and death, rather than the Creator. Race is not so much important to them as is having an arrogant, Luciferian worldview which they falsely label as “enlightenment.”
Their immorality and cunning tactics have caused them to usurp seats of power across the earth and through their control over major centers of power, they have the ability to implement this sick agenda to depopulate the earth. For those peons who remain on the earth, they are to be enslaved by a dystopic tyranny run by these elites, who are not subjected to the same policies they subject the masses to.
Their own populations will live under a creepy technological tyranny, while populations of countries which have a propensity to rise up and resist the Satanic powers will be subjected to war, impoverishment, and other tactics to turn their lives in to hell for daring to want to live dignified lives free of tyrants.
The UN 2030 agenda seeks to weaponize climate change in order to de-industrialize the Global South. The west has already built itself and its comfortable infrastructure which is on par with high-quality standards — although in some cases, it is only an illusion, as homes in West Africa are built to last from quality materials while homes in the US, despite a beautiful outward appearance, are built with materials which just barely meet regulatory requirements and fall apart after many decades — thanks to its use of fossil fuels to power their factories and build their infrastructure. Meanwhile, the developing world in some cases barely has access to running water and the energy needed to build various infrastructure projects to remove some of these painful barriers of systemic poverty requires efficient and plentiful energy sources. Despite the benefit of various green energy technologies, they are still only complementary to petroleum fuel sources, and cannot replace them.
Telling West Asia, Africa, or other developing regions they must curb their use of fossil fuel is a literal death sentence, both in terms of microeconomics in how such a thing would affect the standard of living for the average person in those regions, as well as macroeconomics, because a weak economy of any developing nation means they will lose their political power and become dependent on foreign masters, as a nation with a strong economy and productive industrial sectors leads to political power on the world stage.
When asked about Greta Thunberg, who can only be accurately described as a child actress being exploited by imperialists and Zionists for their economic warfare against the Global South, Russian President Vladimir Putin gave a very realistic critique of climate alarmists and anti-oil activism:
Indeed, if someone like Thunberg gets her way, it would sentence billions of people to drown in perpetual, systemic poverty, all in the name of preventing the earth from warming 0.25 degrees.
The UN 2030 agenda has a very systemic plan for implementing this dystopia and when a normal human being truly analyzes their plans, they should naturally become creeped out by the machinations of these psychopaths.
Here are some facets of what they want to implement across the world:
1. 15-Minute Cities
A “15-minute city” means you will be in an area where from one end to another you cannot travel by car more than 15 minutes. All your amenities will be within that boundary. There will be cameras around and you cannot leave. Follow this link to know exactly what 15 minute cities really mean and their implications. Some cities like Oxford in UK are fighting against 15/20 minute cities. 23 out of 193 countries will have implemented them starting in 2024. UK, Europe, USA, and Canada and Austrailia will be implementing this, which shows that even their own people are oppressed by this creepy, Satanic system, let alone the Global South.
2. Live in the Pod
They want people to live in very tiny, small, and confined living spaces under the guise of being “eco-friendly.” The idea is to move people into these and take away their freedom of space and luxury.
Such homes discourage the creation of stable, God-centric families due to lack of privacy. The lack of privacy will also lead to sexual immorality such as fornication (including where others can see it).
3. You Will Own Nothing and Be Happy
With each economic recession, the usurious banks take advantage of the collapsing prices to buy up more and more resources — from real estate to factories — while the people own less and less. What will happen to your home if you cannot pay your mortgage? Foreclosure by bloodsucking banks. With the rise of price in food, petrol/fuel, and interest rates on the home, people will find it difficult to pay the mortgages and with the renovation costs to your home to make it “sustainable,” you will have to pay high costs and if you cannot afford the home, then you cannot live in it, you can’t rent it, and you can’t sell it. The banks will take your home, renovate it for you, and then rent it to you, if you can afford it. If not, then people will have no choice but to live in pods.
4. Electric Cars
Electric cars are way too expensive for most people, yet the State of California will implement a ban on new sales of petrol-consuming vehicles in 2035. Additionally, the lithium ion batteries in electric cars require the mining of lithium and cobalt which are done under harsh conditions, including child labor, and ironically environmental considerations are not upheld in the process of mining these materials. Despite Elon Musk pretending to oppose this agenda, he has appointed a former WEF official, Linda Yaccarino, as CEO of Twitter/X. His self-driving Tesla cars will be useful in maintaining control in 15-minute cities.
5. Digital Currency and CBDCs
While cryptocurrency may have short-term benefits of circumventing the sanctions that the arrogant powers put on independent nations such as the Islamic Republic of Iran or Russia, in the long-term such technology was designed to create a cashless society, because when such technology is in the hands of arrogant powers, they will use it to penalize those whom deviate from their dystopic plans and agendas. If you speak out against imperialism, Zionism, Big Pharma, the UN 2030 agenda, creepy abuse of technology, and question the historical accuracy of the so-called “holocaust,” prepare to have your account frozen until you repent to the taghut (illegitimate authority). It was revealed recently that Satoshi Nakamoto and the creation of Bitcoin may have been potentially aided by the CIA.
However, even worse than Bitcoin, which is still partially decentralized, are Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs). The central banks, which are privately-owned cartels not beholden to governments (in the west they are mostly owned by the Rothschild family), take the blockchain techology used in cryptocurrencies but with total centralization and status as legal tender given by their host governments. With status equal to legal tender combined with the phasing out of cash, citizens will have no choice but to use CBDCs, and if they “misbehave,” then their accounts can be frozen. Private digital payment services already exercise forms of censorship, often on behalf of the US government or in congruence with US policies, such as shutting down the accounts of anti-Zionist activists or freezing accounts who use words like “Persian” and “Iran” in their payment descriptions.
6. Lab-Grown Meat
Using the same debunked myths about the effects of livestock farming on the environment, aside from promoting plant-based “meat,” which is full of processed industrial oils and made of unhealthy ingredients, they also want to promote something even more creepy: lab-grown meat. The first lab-grown meat factory opened in “israel,” linking the international Zionists to this dystopian agenda. Additionally, the Zionist entity is a hub for research in this technology.
Islamic opposition to Jewish power does not stem from racism, unlike the racist Europeans who believed in biological determinism, rather we only care about the beliefs and actions of a human being. Unlike the European racists, Muslims view all humans as being born pure and without sin, and it is how they are raised which determines if a human being becomes righteous or wicked. Therefore, Islam has no problem with Jews as a people, but has an issue with the distortion of the pure religion of Moses (a). Some people of Jewish backgrounds throughout history have sincerely acted righteously according to Mosaic principles, abandoning the corrupt teachings of the rabbis who made the original Mosaic religion into one of racism against all non-Jews and defiance of God’s divine teachings. Some abandoned the Pharisees during the time of Jesus and became the early Christians. Some have even sincerely converted to Islam, both past and in the present.
The history of Bani Israel, who would later become known as Jews after the death of Solomon (a) and the civil war between Israel and Judea, is rife with disobedience to God and killing of many of God’s prophets, who were Israelite prophets and thus were of a similar ethnicity to them. Some among the average rank-and-file Jews would follow the prophets and go back to the original religion of monotheism and humble, wholehearted submission to God. With the advent of Jesus, those Jews became the early Christians and with the advent of Muhammad (S), some of the Jews of Yathrib became Muslim. They abandoned their religion which was a distortion of the original religion of Moses (a) and became true adherents of Moses, David, and Issac, while the rabbinical elite were slaves of Satanic temptations and facilitated the spread of immorality and oppression on the earth. It is no wonder that the Zionist entity is leading the charge against meat consumption, as meat is a gift from God to sustain humanity, His choicest creation. Naturally such a gift comes with responsibility and Islam encourages animal welfare and discourages gluttony. However, the rabbinical elite are given carte blanche to think that God makes mistakes, as the Talmud admits that the rabbis argued with God and won the debate. Therefore, anything God creates or decrees can be challenged and the divine order of the universe overturned. Aside from the health effects of a meat-free diet, such an agenda is an open affront to God who made livestock for a reason.
Aside from the unknown health effects of such man-made “meat” products, the creation of such products would put power in the hands of a few corporations who can produce this product, putting many family farms out of business. Prominent eugenicist Bill Gates is heavily invested into both plant-based “meat” and lab-grown meat.
European governments loyal to the UN 2030 agenda and WEF have been trying to shut down livestock farmers in the name of “climate change.” However, due to pushback by farmers, this has not yet been fully implemented. If it does, malnutrition will undoubtedly follow.
7. Digital ID
In order to force people to take dangerous, experimental genetic vaccines — such as the untested mRNA vaccines produced by Pfizer and Moderna under the US Military’s Operation Warp Speed, which has led to many devastating side effects among a portion of those who took the shots — a digital ID which keeps your medical records on file needed to gain access to facilities which only allow entrance to the fully vaccinated, whose definition changes from originally two shots to the endless amounts of boosters that follow. However, this digital ID also ties in to many other programs of the 2030 agenda, such as CBDCs to be able to freeze your bank account if you post something against Zionism on your social media page.
One of the architects of the WEF’s ideas for how to implement the 2030 agenda is Yuval Noah Harari, a gay Zionist Jew who lives in occupied Palestine. Harari has often insulted God and advocated for biologically “hacking” human beings. Yet, his creepy ideas get no condemnation from the mainstream Zionist media.
Digital ID is one of the creepy ideas put forward by the WEF as a result of the collective efforts of its various advisers, such as the creepy Zionist “futurist” Harari. To avoid bad PR, the idea of a digital ID was ridiculed by advocates of the 2030 agenda in the mainstream media only to be later confirmed in various papers from the WEF and articles by the WHO. It will indeed be used as a means of global surveillance by the arrogant powers.
8. Destruction of the family, promotion of extramarital relations, and the eventual sexualization of children
Families are the foundation of society. Honorable, moral, and God-fearing men give direction to society and pass on leadership skills to their children (both boys and girls), while honorable, moral, and God-fearing women give love, moral traits, and intelligence to their children (both boys and girls). However, when men and women become hedonistic slaves of their own carnal desires, they are only concerned with fulfilling their immediate, selfish needs and society becomes chaotic, especially with every successive generation of illegitimately-born children. A selfish society that is blinded by materialism is easy to enslave.
However, families possess a combination of discipline (from the father) and love/compassion (from the mother). Love motivates them to stand for what is right, and discipline allows them to act effectively to organize against wrongdoing and corruption.
They first started this agenda about a century or more ago through incremental steps. The goal is to atomize society and promote extremist individualism, based on worship of the ego (self). Despite many people thinking that the nuclear family is under attack in comparison to the perverted filth promoted as “normal” these days, it is actually the nuclear family which was the first stepping stone towards total sexual anarchism that we see today. It broke apart each segment of a larger, extended family from each other. Previously, women would not bare the entire burden of home duties alone so they can focus on the real responsibility of motherhood, which is not to be a kitchen slave but a builder of civilizations. This is at least according to the Islamic philosophy on motherhood — sadly, not every Muslim follows their religion wholeheartedly and did not honor women as they should be honored. Adults of the household who follow Islamic social philosophy, including men when they had the free time, would divide up the burden of menial tasks to focus on what matters in the family which is educating the children and building their moral character traits.
Suddenly all these tasks were placed onto the shoulders of only one man and woman in a housing unit. No longer would family members live in close proximity to assist each other (without invading privacy), now homes were built according to the single family model. However, this was not enough for the elites and even the nuclear family was still a threat and needed to be further atomized. The introduction of “boyfriend/girlfriend” culture was introduced to encourage premarital sexual relations and eliminating the chilvalry that religions promoted in the marital courtship process, which forbade sexual encounters and even non-sexual physical encounters to preserve the sacredness and special nature of intimate relations. Let alone that marital courtship assures that the prospective spouses connect on a spiritual and intellectual level, assuring their compatibility, before the barrier of intimacy is crossed. Modern dating has it all reversed, they connect on the deepest intimate level and only later realize they find the person to be inwardly repulsive and ugly, leading to the relationship ending on a whim just as it began on a whim. Children born out of an animalistic relationship, rather than one where God is remembered, have spiritual handicaps which make them more prone to immorality, although of course it is possible for them to become decent. However, Islam forbids them from leadership positions as a precaution.
The boyfriend/girlfriend culture of fornication became more and more normalized in the US through the “free love” movement of the 1960s, which got progressively worse into the 70s, 80s, 90s, and so on. Generations of children born in broken homes become more sexually immoral than their parents. This social time bomb, in combination with the cultural propaganda of social engineers who work for the arrogant powers, used this sense of immorality and addiction to carnal desires to increase the propensity towards homosexuality and other behaviors which are even more perverse than just normal, heterosexual extramarital affairs. Statistics show that the current young generation identify as LGBT at much greater rates than previous generations, due to the immense propaganda and the subjecting of children to highly sexualized materials, whether straight or gay. The dogma of the “gay gene” has also been thoroughly debunked scientifically.
Despite the “humanitarian” face of “human rights” that the militant LGBT lobby uses to get people to become sympathetic to their cause, the founders of Queer Theory — the academic school that considers LGBT to be a political demographic deserving of its own rights — either endorsed pedophilia or were passive towards it, viewing it as another “sexual preference” one is “born with.” One such academic behind Queer Theory, French intellectual Michael Foucault, acted upon such beliefs and raped young Tunisian boys. If that isn’t demented enough as it is, he did so in a cemetery. [Editor’s note: that is why Basira Press defaults to the acronym LGBTQP, P standing for pedophile, as editorial policy when referring to this movement]
Promoting the LGBTQP movement is part of the UN 2030 agenda though its insistence on promoting sexual education to minors, according to their ideology of fornication, Sodomy, and pederasty.
According to a now-deleted UN handbook titled “International Technical Guidance on Sexual Education” — which has been thankfully archived on the website Stop World Control — sexual education in schools who follow the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) include teaching minors as young as four years old how to engage in explicit sexual acts, among many other shocking and heinous materials that are part of the UN recommendations.
It is important to note that criticism of this agenda does not equate to being “anti-science.” There is no conflict between science and religion, as science is the study of God’s magnificent creation that is built with stunning proportions, wisdom, and features that could not have assembled by accident or chance. An Islamic civilization would be flourishing with scientific development and material progress, however it would be free of corruption and the misuse of scientific knowledge.
The Satanic powers intentionally misuse and abuse scientific knowledge to purposefully harm human beings, whether in the area of our health, such as poisoning our food supply or turning sickness into a business via Big Pharma, or destruction of our social interactions, such as social media making us into anti-social phone addicts or using digital technology to create a dystopic tyranny that enslaves us further. The Islamic civilization would strictly regulate scientific advancement so that it only leads to the well-being and welfare of all humanity.
The UN 2030 agenda is a threat to children worldwide. Whether it stops children from being born in the first place due to depopulation measures or if it ruins the innocence of a child’s soul once it is born, via perverted “sexual education,” these Satanic forces behind the UN are after the most precious of society: our children.
Its agenda embodies the worldview of Zionism (Jewish supremacism) and Americanism (freemasonic liberalism). They know that the US will collapse, so they are preparing for the ideology and system of America to be transferred to a new, global body. The US will still be important to this global tyrannny, but will be downgraded similar to how the UK was downgraded after World War 2. The elites aren’t against America, but know that their path is unsustainable and thus are prepared to transfer the American social philosophy, which has spread so much corruption and bloodshed on the earth, to a new vessel that will disguise itself as global peace through global cooperation via global government.
The 2030 agenda and all its facets — from capping petrol consumption to shutting down livestock farms to sexualizing children — must be stopped. It is the master plan of the Dajjal (antichrist) system and its planners are the enemies of Imam Mahdi (aj) and Jesus (a) and will oppose the divine saviors upon their second coming at the end of times.

Editor’s note: thanks to sister Bintul Huda, who is the editor of the Telegram channel Lanterns of Guidance, for contributing to the research for this article.