The Palestinian Cause Was Never Just Political

It was never political.
Writing pieces like this is frowned upon in the world we live in today as it remains – for the most part – governed by the mythical vocabulary designed and mercilessly exported by the West to control information and human behavior.
Such pieces are seen as dogmatic, unacademic, emotional, unscientific, or all the above. But language is certainly not the only thing the West monopolizes, commodifies, and unrightfully occupies. In the simplest terms possible: this was never political.
What is happening is the land of Palestine was occupied quite a long time ago in attempted fulfillment of Zionist ideological aspirations. Throughout the years – and with the organized, multifaceted sponsorship of its accomplices in the West as well as its servants in the region – that occupation was maintained and expanded in unthinkable viciousness. And the result of this was – to the surprise of no one but the entitled self-proclaimed masters of the world – that the new Zionist entity called “israel” made enemies.
Those enemies did not always take up arms. Some of them were scientists, others were politicians. In fact, those enemies were not all adults. Many of them were children and did not get to grow out of that category because they were deemed by the dysphoric representatives of universal freedom as ‘children of darkness.’
Many were women whose revolutionary stance manifested in their modesty, support for their husbands, and active role in raising future liberators. But their very existence was a threat to the occupation. The Zionist entity made ‘enemies’ everywhere because it was the occupying force that did not and could never belong.
These enemies grew more powerful when truth gained momentum, especially after the Islamic Revolution of Iran. Local and regional allies, as well as sympathizers and advocates around the world, helped the Palestinian people empower their fighters in weapons, resources, and beyond – and just as formative was the invaluable blood sacrificed to amplify the declaration of resistance against godless imperialism.
When the Palestinian resistance and its allies – in what later became an axis under the guardianship of the Leader of the Ummah, Imam Sayed Ali Khamenei – carried out an operation against the occupation, the above context was all deemed irrelevant. ‘Children of light’ were in danger; “israel” – the product and extension of Western exceptionalism – was at risk. History was as irrelevant as ever and could simply be rewritten by the victors.
The exponential military advantage boasted ironically by the ‘peace police’ and gatekeepers of global democracy was merely an instance of the world’s [im]balance of power – and the attitude justifying the occupation and genocidal response that would follow was as transparent as, “we are simply more powerful and you ought to accept that.”
The Pharaonic logic of these oppressors revolves around the urgency to challenge God in all His laws and promises; to murder anything He considers off limits and usurp that which He attributes to His virtue and Holiness. But the typical tradition is that the oppressor is shocked when God places His truth in the voice of a child just removed from under the rubble, or His might in the forearms of true men who fight for Him, His land, and His servants – rather than corporations and silly incentives when they return to the spacious, comfortable West – if they return at all.

For the believers, attention to context is imperative. The fact of the matter is that history is not some independent sequence of events, but the unfolding of our righteous creed itself. It is not separate from our beliefs, though we may be conditioned to imagine it as such.
History is the manifestation of God’s command – part and parcel of truth being unveiled, virtue being emancipated from the shackles of its actual enemies, and justices filling the land in every corner the arrogant power sought power and a selfish market. History is time’s tale of those objective realities which God has designed the world with – in His immeasurable grace, wisdom, and intelligence.
The sons of war and suffering know this by divine solace and inspiration. Those who ‘wrestle’ with God know this by divine pattern and tradition. The world is now learning it by shock.
This was never political – a war on God’s word is in play. But it will not be long before this proves to be yet another phase in which the dirty nails of corruption are hammered by those who safeguard human dignity by refusing to sit aside and do nothing. The day of the Zionist entity’s demise is near, by God, and the oppressors know said day will come. The challenge is then His – and His hand is above theirs.