Bin Laden Letter on Tik Tok: Psyop to Sell an Upcoming False Flag?
Is the Bin Laden letter trend on TikTok a perfectly timed psyop in order to mentally prepare the west for another Mossad-CIA false flag attack?

Bin Laden, Wahabbi terrorism, and the various groups associated with such ideologies and actions are a creation of the Mossad and CIA.
Bin Laden was an asset of the US government in the 1980s. His home country, Saudi Arabia, had its royal family installed by the British (whose de facto ruler, by measure of true wealth and power, is the Jewish-Zionist Rothschild family) in the early 1900s after the fall of the Ottoman Empire.
Bin Laden was the perfect propaganda tool and scapegoat for the Mossad-CIA false flag operations, namely the two attacks on the World Trade Center in New York, first in the early 1990s and second on 11 September 2001.
These false flag attacks, orchestrated by the Zionists and the US, were the launching pad to set the whole world on fire, spilling the blood of millions upon millions to this day, creating poverty & instability, and attempting to create a centralized global tyranny.
Out of nowhere, a TikTok trend came up whereby users would say that they used to celebrate when Osama bin Laden was “killed” by the US (a highly suspicious event that probably didn’t happen at all), but now in 2023 re-read his “Letter to America” (published by The Guardian many years ago and removed following this TikTok trend) and say “he was so right about everything.”
This psyop will confuse people as to the difference between Wahabbis’ fake “anti-Americanism” with the real, rational anti-Americanism of the Islamic Resistance Axis.
This confusion is perhaps part of the psychological build up to another major false flag that will take place in the west in order to garner support for the US and “israel” by falsely blaming the attack on Hamas and Iran.
Netanyahu and many other Zionist speakers, from “israeli” officials to social media personalities, have been issuing ominous statements and veiled threats telling the west to help the Zionist occupation defeat Hamas before they attack Europe, which actually means that if the west doesn’t come to their aid, they will carry out false flag terror attacks on western soil and falsely blame it on the resistance axis. It could be as small as a knife or gun attack, to as big as a nuclear explosion (as the Zionist regime possesses hundreds of nukes).
By making Osama Bin Laden seem like he is in the same intellectual camp as Hamas or Iran, they hope to mentally prepare westerners to associate barbaric acts of terrorism against random civilians with legitimate resistance against tyrannical, occupying powers (namely targeting their military forces, a legitimate target unlike civilians).
ISIS and Wahabbis are at war with Hamas. They claim the Palestinian resistance factions are puppets of Shia Iran. Wahabbi influencers from the UK or US often will criticize Palestinians for “not being religious enough” to justify why we shouldn’t support the Palestinian cause. These terrorist groups are not on the same team as the noble Islamic resistance axis.
Any barbaric terrorist attack against random civilians in the west is surely a Mossad-CIA false flag, using some Wahabbi patsy (at best) to get the job done.
This is important to understand because the Islamic Resistance Axis led by Iran does not target civilians. No real Muslim would target innocent people, no matter our grievances about Palestine.
Resistance Axis only attacks legitimate targets of the tyrants, i.e. military installations. Not random innocent civilians.
This includes Hamas, as anyone above 18 in the Zionist entity is either on duty in the occupation army or a reservist. Even settlers are armed to the teeth and get state protection to harass and kill Palestinians in the West Bank. There are no civilians in “israel” above the age of 18.
Additionally, the Resistance Axis defeated Mossad/CIA proxy terrorists like ISIS in Iraq and Syria, whose defeat was masterminded by Martyr Qassem Soleimani. Therefore, not only does Iran and its partners not target civilians as a matter of morality and public policy, it additionally defends civilians – including non-Muslims who were saved by the anti-ISIS campaigns.
Westerners should know that Iran and its partners will never, ever attack random civilians. They will only target legitimate assets of the Zionist occupation and American empire, mostly in the West Asia region. Anything that targets random civilians is 100% a false flag attack designed to garner support for American involvement in a war against Iran.
The Resistance Axis are not terrorists, nor monsters. They’re the heroes you’ve been brainwashed to hate. Thank them for the defeat of ISIS, instead of buying into false flag narratives.