Alex Jones Spreads Mossad/CIA Lies About Hezbollah to Sell Another False Flag
Alex Jones has long been suspected of spreading disinformation on behalf of the international Zionist network. Parroting Mossad/CIA lies about Hezbollah in his latest interview only adds to the suspicions.

Presenting himself as some anti-establishment oracle who exposes false flags, controversial alternative media personality Alex Jones contradicted himself on his exclusive interview with Tucker Carlson on Twitter/X by unironically repeating the Mossad/CIA lie that Hezbollah and Hamas have “sleeper cells” in the US, a lie that will prime the gullible American public into believing any kind of narrative that follows another Mossad/CIA false flag attack on US soil.
Alex Jones has always been suspected of mixing truth with falsehood. He says many true and interesting things, which can be labeled as conspiracy facts (unlike the “conspiracy theory” ad hominem buzzword that was popularized by the CIA to discredit skepticism of the Warren Commission findings on the JFK assassination), but he often mixes them with lies and absurdities, and he is pro-Zionist, despite the deep state and globalists all being pro-Zionist.
This slander against the Islamic resistance is his latest offense in peddling lies on behalf of the Zionists and globalists. Hezbollah and Hamas do not attack innocent people. “israelis” are not civilians, as anyone above age 18 are part of the military, either as active duty or reservists. Hezbollah saved Syrian Christians from ISIS, while the US government was funding ISIS along with the “israelis.”
They are also national resistance organizations that mostly operate on their own homelands, or at best neighboring countries like Syria if it relates to their own security. They are morally constrained from attacking innocent people in the US (Alex Jones specifically said sports stadiums will be hit – that is totally outside of Hezbollah’s modus operandi) as well as strategically nonsensical, like when every time President Assad had the upper hand over western-backed terrorists, they said he “gassed his own people” which would then invite foreign military intervention to undo all the military gains he had achieved.
Alex Jones’ crude Zionist propaganda only plays into the gullibility of the minds of ignorant Americans who don’t know anything about the dynamics in West Asia, especially that all terrorist organizations ascribe to Wahabbism, which views Shia Muslims (i.e. Iran, Hezbollah, etc) as apostates.
Killing innocent people isn’t in the moral vocabulary of a believing Shia Muslim nor a non-Wahabbist Sunni Muslim.
This lie from Alex Jones, and the general lie about non-existent “sleeper cells” of the Islamic Resistance in the west, is not limited to Jones. We wrote about how the revival of the “Bin Laden letter” is also part of the psyop to prepare the public to accept any narratives from the Zionist media if another false flag takes place against innocents in the west, God forbid. If there are any sleeper cells, they belong to the Wahabbi patsies of the Mossad and CIA, and not to the noble men of the Islamic resistance.
The average American should be thanking Qassem Soleimani for defeating ISIS terrorism, rather than regurgitating lies that are meant to prime the American mind to accept whatever narratives follow a Mossad/CIA false flag attack on US soil.
In fact, Americans could benefit socially, spiritually, and politically from a hero like Soleimani, because their “heroes” are mostly transgenders like Caitlyn Jenner, and due to a lack of real life figures to present as role models, they have CGI “heroes” like Spiderman. A real hero like Soleimani, they “thanked” him with a drone strike, when he should be getting the world’s peace prizes instead of war criminals like Barack Yazid Obama.
Alex Jones is a Zionist who has always mixed truth with falsehood, pretending to be some oracle who people will believe because the truths that he says are so deep and out of the ordinary. It’s quite wicked of him to talk about false flags and 9/11 out of one side of his mouth, and 10 minutes later parrot the same kind of lies that will be used to justify the “official story” to explain away a future false flag.
He portrays himself as a Christian conservative yet he vociferously defends the Masonic founding fathers, who were anti-Christian liberals. Like most ideologically confused American conservatives, who can’t see that Christianity and liberalism/libertarianism are totally incompatible yet manage to mix and intertwine the two, Jones is only against the pervert lobby (LGBTQP) when they espouse “radical leftist” views, but is okay with transgender “conservatives” like Blaire White.
It is no surprise that this agent of the system, masquerading as its ultimate saboteur, mixes truth with falsehood on so many levels. He is a lot like the character of Goldstein in the book 1984: controlled opposition for the system of Big Brother to find out who are the dissidents by bringing them out into the open. Ironically, the book’s author, George Orwell, is himself controlled opposition, as he was a liberal and supportive of the spread of sexual degeneracy around society, and an MI6 agent.
Call to action for our dear readers: Post pictures of Hezbollah saving Syrian Christians from terrorists, or music videos of Lebanese Christian signer Julia Boutros in support of Hezbollah underneath the Twitter/X video of Carlson with Jones in order to help demolish this quite dangerous false flag mythology that the supposed “oracle of truth” Alex Jones is peddling to a gullible audience.