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Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah’s Advice to Families in Honor of Family Week 2024

The following is an exclusive translation of the letter written by Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah in honor of the marriage anniversary between Imam Ali (as) and Lady Fatima (sa), the beloved and saintly daughter of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (S), as well as Family Week headed by Hezbollah’s cultural wing. While the date of this holy day changes every year due to the differences between the solar and lunar calendars, this year it falls in the month of June, and the observance of such a holiday is necessary in the face of devious, perverted, and Satanic agendas such as LGBT “Pride” Month pushed officially by the western imperialists and Zionists.

In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful

“Our Lord! Admit them into the Gardens of Eden, which You have promised them, along with whoever is righteous among their forebears, their spouses, and their descendants. Indeed You are the All-mighty, the All-wise.” [Sura al-Ghafir, 8]

My Mujahideen brothers and their patient and struggling families, may God’s peace, mercy, and blessings be upon you.

As we are marking the blessed anniversary of the marriage of the two Lights, the Commander of the Faithful, Ali ibn Abi Talib (peace be upon him) and Sayyeda Fatima al-Zahra (peace be upon her), as well as Hezbollah’s Family Week, I convey you the utmost blessings and congratulations, asking the Most Merciful to perpetuate upon us all the blessing of jihad in His path and steadfastness on the path of guardianship, and paving the way for the reappearance of the Qāʾim Āl Muḥammad [Imam Mahdi] (may our souls be sacrificed in his way).

As we proceed in our jihad on the front of supporting the “Al-Aqsa Flood Operation,” and in the face of the cultural and social challenges facing our society and our families, I recommend that my brothers and sisters persist to give great importance to caring for their spouses, children, and families, and taking care of their affairs, through dutifulness, guidance, affection, and service, for “Only the righteous or martyrs serve their family.”

On this occasion, we reflect on the role model in marriage and upbringing, embodied by Imam Ali and Sayyeda al-Zahra (peace be upon them). From them we learn lessons of altruism, respect, cooperation between spouses, adherence to Sharia rulings, patience with the hardships and calamities of this life, a woman’s jihad alongside her husband in all situations – as a partner in jihad – and keenness on religious, Qur’anic, and jihadist upbringing so that these values ​​​​remain present in the culture of our jihadi families, and that we enjoy happiness in this world, and seek the genuine happiness next to Allah in the afterlife.

I ask Allah Almighty to grant our mujahideen and our families patience and an imminent victory.

May you always be of benefit to your families and closer to the Imam of the Time (may Allah bless him and grant him peace).

Original Arabic letter from Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah for Family Week, 2024


  • Sondoss al Asaad

    Sondoss al Asaad is a PhD candidate in Translation and a Lebanese freelance journalist focusing on the human rights situation in Bahrain and various Islamic and sociopolitical topics.

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