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The Rise & Fall of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: From Revolutionary Icon to Liberal Sellout

Many supporters of the Islamic Republic of Iran may not know the dynamics, but Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is not the same person as he was when he first served as a president.

His deviation from the Islamic revolution virtues, his lack of sympathy and respect shown to the martyred president Sayyed Ibrahim Raisi in his funeral, his loud silence on the genocide in Gaza, his questionable views on the regional issues, his disrespect toward the national heroes and figures like Martyr Hajj Qassem Soleimani take away all the traits that are important and expected from a leader to lead the nation and continue the legacy of the Islamic Revolution.

Ahmadinejad has no qualifications that make him able to continue the path that Martyr Raisi had paved, the path which allowed Iran to be more prominent in the eyes of the world. Therefore, it is no surprise that he was disqualified from running for president of Iran in the 2024 snap elections.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his faux populism, which is devoid of principles, is not able to continue Iran’s direction toward multi-polarity.

The name of the former President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, is surfacing social media and news headlines as Iran approaches the presidential election, after the tragic incident which led to martyrdom of our beloved president, Sayyed Ibrahim Raisi. Ahmadinejad began to have the spotlight again after he registered himself as a presidential candidate. On 9 June 2024, the candidates list was announced and his name was nowhere to be found in it. There is a reason for that, as his rise and fall is not much different to the rise and fall of Iblis (Lucifer), or that of the Children of Israel, whose arrogance got to their head and hypocrisy grew within their hearts until they went astray and never came back to the right path since.

Ahmadinejad served as president from 2005 to 2013, he was known to be a conservative in support of the Islamic Revolution’s principles and values during his first years of presidency. He was known for his brutal honesty toward the Zionist regime, calling for eliminating the Zionist regime, calling it a germ, questioning the alleged holocaust, and exposing the Zionist entity’s fake victim card, and so on.

In 2009, the “israeli” Mossad and American CIA directly supported a violent color revolution in Iran through their agent Mir-Hossein Mousavi, and made a slanderous allegation questioning the integrity of the election. How is it possible for someone like Ahmadinejad to witness with his own eyes all of the most Satanic, arrogant powers conspire against him and yet still his soul was tempted towards the path of falsehood, rather than strengthening the resolve of his heart and soul towards the path of faith?

Until later on, his views began rising concerns of the people due to his controversy and how often he would go against the resistance and his sudden change from being a conservative in support of the Islamic Revolution to a quasi-liberal who is against the idea of resistance, even to the point where he would insult the brave soldiers who protect the country.

It is common sense and a serious requirement for anyone wants to become a president, national’s interest is the first and top priority, how willing is he to serve the nation, respect its symbols and the soldiers who sacrifice themselves to keep the country safe.

Whenever we talk about Iranian soldiers these days and the heroes who sacrificed themselves, we immediately think of our greatest General, Martyr Hajj Qassem Soleimani, who not only protected Iran from the American-“israeli” backed ISIS terrorists, but also the West Asian region.

He was not a general who gave orders inside a building, rather he was present with the soldiers in the battlefield, despite his high rank and how important he was, he was a very humble military leader who did not think of himself as any different than the rest of the soldiers in the battlefield.

Despite his efforts in the sacred duty to fight the ISIS criminals, protecting the region from the “israeli”-backed terrorists, protecting the holy shrines in Iraq and Syria, Ahmadinejad made remarks that are insulting to Martyr Soleimani and his efforts and sacrifice by calling him “plastic hero” and “accomplice of tyranny.” This was in 2018, posted in his Instagram page, as Soleimani was with Larijani, who was a presidential candidate representing the liberal bloc in the 2024 election until he was disqualified along with Ahmadinejad. Soleimani himself was not a liberal, but defended the Islamic Republic no matter who was in office, regardless of disagreements in policy and other issues.

Ahmadinejad called him “accomplice of tyranny,” referring to his role in defeating ISIS in Iraq and Syria, that is because for another odd reason, Ahmadinejad does not agree with the fight against the takfiri uprising in Syria who are backed by “israel” and USA, rather he is against assisting Syria to defeat the “israeli” proxy which were openly calling for genocide against Shias, Alawites and Christians, who were also threatening to destroy the holy shrine of Sayyeda Zainab (sa) in Syria along with the holy shrines in Karbala.

As explained before, Soleimani’s role was not limited to just protecting Iran but the region from ISIS and their barbaric killings and foiled their plans to destroy the holy shrines. Thus, making Ahmadinejad’s stance against this intervention very questionable. Despite his previous claims to be against foreign intervention in the region, he did not think it to be appropriate to be against this quite obvious “israeli”-American intervention in Syria. What’s also ironic and hypocritical, is that he is however in support of Ukraine, where the West like NATO countries interfere in the war with Russia and it is okay.

One has to understand that Syria is the most important part for the Axis of Resistance as it is the perfect bridge of sending military aid to the Lebanese resistance Hezbollah along with the Palestinian resistance, which is fighting very hard today against the child killing bloodthirsty regime of “israel,” who murdered over 35,000 Palestinians due to their random and barbaric strikes on Gaza.

While he accused martyr Hajj Qassem Soleimani of him being “accomplice with tyranny,” Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has been completely silent on the genocide going on in Gaza, as 7 months have passed and not even a single statement came out from him or any comment on social media about it. In fact, some few years ago, Ahmadinejad went on the Saudi-funded anti-Hezbollah TV channel MTV Lebanon in order to condemn the resistance slogan of “death to ‘israel.’”

Imam Khamenei describes the Palestinian issue as the first issue of the world today, millions of people have been vocal on the Palestinian issue and the genocide happening in Gaza for over half a year by now, whether they have been vocal in the streets by chanting slogans, holding signs, boycotting or even making posts on social media.

But from Ahmadinejad, it is a deafening silence. Imam Ali (as), said be “Be an opponent to the oppressor and a helper to the oppressed.” In the book Greater Sins by Martyr Ayatollah Dastghaib, helping the oppressor and not helping the oppressed are considered greater sins alongside alcohol use, adultery, and usury.

Ahmadinejad’s silence is beyond just going against what the Leader of the Islamic Revolution and the revolutionary Iranian nation stands for, against the vision of the beloved martyred president, Sayyed Raisi, and most importantly, what Islam actually stands for when it comes to helping the oppressed. Him remaining silent is against the demands of the Iranian people, defying the revolution and even against humanity itself. To put the cherry on top, he is also committing a grave sin in Islam that is on par with other greater sins.

His silence is a lot worse than just that, it is not just about the ongoing events outside Iran but even inside Iran.

When the tragedy happened in 19 May 2024, the crash of the helicopter which led to the martyrdom of the beloved president, Sayyed Raisi, the Foreign Hussein Minister Amir Abdullahian, millions of Iranians mourned the loss of the president, some sources say that over 12 million Iranians went to the streets for the funeral ceremony.

Sayyed Raisi was mentioned by every politician, even by the ones who did not agree with his policies, have said good things about him and described him as honest and genuine with his actions. In Majles Khobregan (Assembly of Experts), everyone who was wearing a suit wore a black shirt, except for him, he wore a white shirt.

Wearing black is a tradition to show sadness and to mourn the loss of someone, which made many Iranians question Ahmadinejad a lot more, as this isn’t any kind of loss, but loss of the president, a foreign minister, and many others. The last time Iran had a tragedy this big was the martyrdom of Hajj Qassem Soleimani in 2020. The funeral ceremony was historical because of how many people went to it, neighboring countries and good allies of Iran had announced national mourning days following the martyrdom of the president, countries like India, Pakistan, Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon.

Ahmadinejad also has positions on Russia and Ukraine no different from the average NAFO troll or soymilk-binging Reddit liberal.

All of the world’s Satanic forces, from NATO to the Zionists to websites like PornHub, are against Russia and on the side of the cocaine-addicted Zelensky. Ahmadinejad wants to be in the same bunker as them, apparently.

He has also normalized the degradation and objectification of women by posing with women who dress immodestly. This is different from the position of Martyr Soleimani, who said that he is the defender of all people and all women are like his daughters (regardless of level of hijab), but this is different than bending Islam and denying what is the pinnacle of dignity for women. As an example, it is one thing to express sympathy for alcoholics and to stand for their humanity against a merciless enemy who slaughters civilians indiscriminately, but it is another thing to normalize alcoholism and try to get Islam to bend towards human being’s egos and desires. All countries have public dress codes, Iran’s is simply based on divine principles, not the ever-changing whims of man’s limited ego, such as San Francisco temporarily allowing naked parades where homosexual men run around naked in full view where children can see them.

Some people even fawned over his tweets featuring the lyrics of hip-hop legend Tupac Shakur, but the irony is that Tupac was an enemy of the US empire and it is rumored that he even converted to Shi’a Islam through Masjid al-Rasul in Watts, Los Angeles, prior to being murdered likely at the hands of the Jewish mafia, and thus Ahmadinejad’s new-found liberalism is incompatible with what revolutionary African American hip-hop artists stood for.

Famous Zionist analyst expressing his support for Ahmadinejad’s failed 2024 bid for president (in Arabic, instead of Persian, for some odd reason).

Ahmadinejad got disqualified in the 2024 elections for many of these important reasons. He was also disqualified in the 2021 elections for his questionable views.

Martyr Sayyed Raisi made the standards very high for the next president of Iran, as he redefined what is it like to be not just a president but a beloved one. Imam Khamanei in his speech during in the 35th death anniversary of Imam Khomeini (ra), said that Martyr Raisi created a new quorum for serving the nation. He described Martyr Sayyed Raisi as “Man of work, action, service, purity and honesty.” Therefore, the people of Iran have high expectations for the upcoming president, perhaps even more than the 2021 elections.

When we look at how Imam Khamenei described martyr president, Sayyed Ibrahim Raisi, how much the people love him and mourned him, we realize how much that Ahmadinejad lacks those traits and characteristics that make him able to fit his place and continue steering Iran into the direction of not just multi-polarity but also continue the path of the Islamic Revolution, which is the path that made Iran what it is today and how it became the beacon of resistance and independence, and a helper for the oppressed.


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One Comment

  1. You are very analytical and more broad minded in your approach to issues of importance.
    More grease to your elbows, please.
    Thank you.

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