2 Documentaries That Expose the US Government’s Lies About Food and Diet

The US Food Pyramid has dictated global standards for diet and nutrition for several decades. Yet, global health has declined despite almost dogmatic adherence to these standards. Through soft power and cultural colonialism, the US has exported this model of diet throughout the world.
Yet, most people don’t know that the data and studies that were the basis of this food pyramid were quite unreliable and not based on any concrete findings. The idea that the main part of our diet should be grains and that saturated fats are bad is based on shoddy pseudo-science, but because it is backed up by powerful organizations like the American Heart Association (which is funded by powerful mega corporations and industry lobbies), the US government, and academia, it is taken as an unquestionable dogma. Fat makes you fat and it can also give you a heart attack! We were told that eggs were deadly, but margarine was healthy.
Americans would gorge themselves on junk food, but console themselves that it was okay, because the label says “low fat” or “non-fat.”
Unfortunately, academia in the west is corrupted by industry money. Additionally, the Rockefeller Foundation has its hands both in the American Medical Association and influencing academic institutions in the US and around the world. It is no wonder that in medical school, students learn very little about nutrition, and what they do learn comes from the shoddy US government dietary guidelines.
Thankfully, there are independent-minded scientists who do the homework to understand nutrition that they were not taught adequately about in medical school, and since their background enables them to accurately study data and determine the reliability of this or that scientific study, are able to pick apart the poorly constructed studies that are the basis of the US food pyramid.
Two documentaries were produced on this subject largely by independent-minded doctors and scientists who aren’t brainwashed by the system nor are they paid to parrot the dogma of corrupt, corporate-funded organizations like the American Heart Association.
Documentary #1: Fed a Lie – The Truth About “Seed Oils”
The idea that highly processed and refined oils (whose process involves washing and bleaching with several different neurotoxic chemicals) are “healthy” for human beings and foods which people have been eating for thousands of years are “unhealthy,” despite the fact that all the epidemics of preventable diseases like obesity, diabetes, cancer, infertility, hormonal imbalances, and more all occurred during the time period when these oils were the staple of the American diet, is one of the most dangerous lies to come out of the American empire’s official narratives.
These are independent-minded scientists and medical professionals who cite real data and evidence to show that highly processed and refined foods, especially oils, are not healthy for humans and are not even fit for human consumption. Only corrupted scientists who act as propagandists for the agenda of the US empire, which is to make us sick and infertile, will defend such obviously unhealthy oils.
This doesn’t mean eat an entire stick of butter a day for yourself (no need to swing between two extremes), just swap out unhealthy processed oils for real healthy fats in the same normal amount you would use the unhealthy fats. Instead of a tablespoon of canola oil to fry your eggs, a tablespoon of butter.
Examples of healthy fats/oils: butter, ghee, [halal] tallow, coconut oil, olive oil (at low heat), and if you really need to save your budget, sesame and sunflower seed oil which is pure, cold pressed, and unrefined. Read the ingredients too, as sometimes butter and olive oil are mixed with processed cooking oils, but this is not advertised on the front label (only in the fine print on the back).
One of the key ingredients for the body to make hormones (in both men and women) is cholesterol, so these “low fat” oils rob the body of the nutrients it needs to have a healthy endocrine function, and when that is unhealthy, fertility health is affected, and we see rising infertility rates globally as a result of these unhealthy oils being the global standard for diet. The US government lied about cholesterol — they said eggs and red meat will give you a heart attack, but margarine (fake “butter” made of hydrogenated processed seed oils) is “healthy.”
The film’s citations can be accessed here.
Documentary #2: Fat Fiction – Hidden Dangers of Low-Fat Diets
Further expanding on the US government’s official lies that cholesterol and fats are bad for us, aside from making highly processed/refined “vegetable” oils the staple of global diets, they have also demonized saturated fats across the board, including in dairy and other types of foods, not just the oils we cook with.
Diets like the keto diet may be too much of the opposite extreme compared to the extremist US food pyramid which promotes a carb overload. For people who have certain illnesses like diabetes, which in this documentary were shown to have many successful full recovery from diabetes, for regular people, eating a diet way too low in carbs (especially for extended periods of time) can also have bad effects. Rather than swinging between two extremes (American standard diet and the keto diet), just reduce carbs to reasonable levels and increase healthy fats, including saturated fats and animal fats.
This documentary, produced by a Dr. Mark Hyman (a medical doctor), goes into further details about the lies which declared cholesterol and saturated fats to be good, and how the government decided to recommend a high-carb, low-fat diet despite actually admitting that there is not enough evidence to support the benefits of such a diet.
The enemies of humanity have intentionally weaponized things we think the least about, such as the food we eat and water we drink. The tyrants of the past are rolling in their cursed graves with jealousy that they didn’t think to manipulate something as mundane as food, diet, and lifestyle, and then profit off the sickness they themselves have created.
“We must be careful to consult experts who are faithful, honest, believe in the country’s domestic and national capabilities, and recognize our national assets. We must refrain from consulting experts who seek to implement the outdated solutions used by foreigners. Sometimes, an economic, social, or political policy that was considered in other countries some 50 or 70 years ago and has since been discarded, is raised and discussed here! Be careful not to use such experts. Otherwise, the principle of seeking the opinions of experts is truly essential.”
– Imam Sayyed Ali Khamenei, 27 August 2024
With this in mind, it is worth contemplating if the US deep state will “allow” Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to take control of the US health portfolio as Health Secretary in Trump’s new cabinet because they realize that their dying empire will not survive with an unhealthy nation. The US Army announced some years ago that they cannot recruit enough people due to the obesity crisis in the US. They’ll “allow” RFK to score a few anti-corruption points in order to save the dying American empire, without letting him ever get to the root of corruption, which he can’t anyway because he is pro-Zionist. Additionally, he will only focus on the US and not export these new findings to the rest of the world to help the world who has copied the US food pyramid and are thus suffering from obesity, diabetes, infertility, autoimmune issues, and other preventable chronic health issues, to find some relief from those issues which the US helped to create for the world in the first place. Even if he did export updated policies, some countries may not even accept it, as they will not take Donald Trump seriously and thus will also not take RFK Jr. seriously, even though the majority of what he says are actual facts about the corrupted healthcare system in the US. So, RFK is purely there to slow the bleeding of the US empire’s inevitable collapse.
Unfortunately, the majority of the world follows America’s cue when it comes to diet. When I go shopping in the Islamic Republic of Iran, I see shopping carts filled with processed cakes, cookies, potato chips, processed/refined cooking oils, soda, and things which are not even food. It is hard to find a shopping cart where I see real food in it. This includes areas which have the financial means to afford to eat real food (although the price disparity between fake food and real food is nowhere as large as it is in the US, such as Whole Foods who infamously charges steep prices as a premium to eat real food), so it is a matter of lack of priorities and lack of knowledge, in addition to food corporations caring more about profits than health, and a health ministry that fails to apply Hussaini values of anti-corruption to the food industry and take a revolutionary approach to combating the corruption of the American food pyramid. It is sad that a Zionist like RFK Jr. is holding the flag of food and drug reforms, while those who are supposed to hold the anti-corruption banner of Ashura follow the corrupt US government’s CDC and the questionable WHO as the gold standard for public policy on health.
When people eat little to no real food, this becomes not only a public health emergency (which will only become worse in the future), but should also be a matter of national security in resistance bloc countries. Just as the US Army has recruitment issues due to obesity and other chronic health issues which are caused by environmental factors like diet and lifestyle, the resistance factions will also face similar problems. It will also lead to increasing healthcare costs due to hospitalizations and routine care for diabetes and other illnesses, creating easily preventable drains on public funds.
Just as US military bases should be kicked out of West Asia, the US food pyramid should be kicked out of our kitchens.