Al-Sha’er Martyrs: Lions of God in Hard War and Soft War
Martyr Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah had wished for a biography to be written about the Al-Sha'er martyrs. To our knowledge, none have been written, so it is our honor to present this biography to our dear readers.

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
”The early vanguard of the Emigrants and the Helpers and those who followed them in virtue—Allah is pleased with them and they are pleased with Him, and He has prepared for them gardens with streams running in them, to remain in them forever. That is the great success.”
Surat at-Tawbah: 100

The name of Reda al-Sha’er (ra) terrified the Zionist intelligence circles that worked hard to liquidate him, but he was more determined to co-establish the Hezbollah resistance, so his trade with Allah was profitable and victorious.
Shaheed Reda has been giant who kept the “Israeli” occupation soldiers and their collaborators afraid and worried; Sayyed Abbas al-Moussawi (ra) called him “Hamza of Bekaa” and “Lion of the Resistance Axis” and “a Hero with few equals.”
Shaheed Reda al-Sha’er (ra) paved the way for generations of resistance who succeeded and followed him, including his two nephews: Shaheed Abu Hawra, Muhammad Qasim al-Sha’er (ra), one of the most prominent leaders of the Radwan Unit who was assassinated on September 10th, 2024, and Shaheed Hussain Ahmad al-Sha’er (ra) who got martyred during the recent Uli al-Bães Battle.

Al-Sha’er Martyrs in the Words of Shaheed Ibrahim Aqeel (ra)
Before his martyrdom, in the last meeting that included the leaders of the Radwan Unit on September 20, 2024, and 10 days after the martyrdom of Abu Hawra, September 10, 2024, the commander of the unit, Shaheed Ibrahim Aqeel (ra), mentioned Shaheed Abu Hawra al-Sha’er (ra), saying:
“Usually, the features of any person provide an impression on who he is. From the first moment I met Hajj Abu Hawra (ra) in the late 1990s during his participation in the battles of Bint Jbeil, I asked him: ‘Are you a relative of Shaheed Reda al-Sha’er?’ I thought he was his son.

Abu Hawra told me: I am his nephew. May God have mercy on him. Shaheed Reda al-Sha’er (ra) is a person you cannot imagine how heroic he was. He was a leader in Hezbollah’s founding military cells. He was a lion since he joined Sayyed Musa al-Sadr’s movement. SubhanAllah! Shaheed Abu Hawra remained a lion – in every sense of the word – until the last moment before his martyrdom.”
Shaheed Ibrahim Aqeel (ra) continues: “It was decided that during the coming war Shaheed Abu Hawra would lead a military force that would achieve qualitative goals. Hajj Abu Hawra lived – in every sense of the word – in a time that is not ours, in the time of the heroic founding leaders who were martyred.
One of the positive aspects of strong personalities is that they possess great strength against the faithless, but one of the negative aspects – that most people fail to understand – is the secret of their cruelty and toughness.”
He adds: “According to the Quran: ‘Indeed the noblest of you in the sight of Allah is the most Godwary among you. Indeed Allah is all-knowing, all-aware.’ [Al-Hujurat: 13]. Hajj Abu Hawra was not from this time. Do not think that it is easy for me to lose any of you, but what makes this matter easy for me is the confirmation of Allah (Glory be to Him) as in the hadith of Imam al-Baqir where he said: ‘When the Prophet (S) was taken on the Night Journey, he said: “O Lord, what is the state of the believer before You?” He said: “Among My believing servants are those who are not reformed except by wealth, and if You diverted them to something else, they would perish. Among My believing servants are those who are not reformed except by poverty, and if You diverted them to something else, they would perish.”’”
Shaheed Ibrahim Aqeel (ra) expounds: “According to Allah’s standards, ‘every divine decree is good.’ Today you are charged with a matter and you must be honest in performing it, ‘and tomorrow you will be charged with another matter.’ Our movement [in Hezbollah] is like this. The divine light should illuminate this movement. This is how Shaheed Abu Hawra (ra) was. Until the last moment, his presence comforted me, as the brothers know.”
He adds: “Yesterday, due to the sensitivity of the security situation [following the Pagers & Walkie-Talkie Massacres], I was fortunate enough to meet one of the clerics. I spoke to him about this issue. I said to him: ‘Your Eminence, I feel lonely. All my brothers have martyred, as if they were ripping out a piece of my heart, or rather my whole heart. So, how can I be patient with the loss of Shaheed Abu Hawra?’”
Shaheed Ibrahim Aqeel (ra) elaborates: “I went through difficult emotional moments. I went back to all the stations… Do not think that the matter is easy, even the Commander of the Faithful (as) went through these moments. When he lamented to his companions: ‘Where is Ammar? Where is Ibn al-Tayhan?’ He knew that their fate was martyrdom. We need a lot to reach the status of Imam Ali, but in the midst of this movement we feel sorrow for their loss.”
Shaheed Ibrahim Aqeel (ra) concludes: “We certainly rejoice for them for what they have achieved, for their arrival, for their salvation. They are now in the best and greatest place, in Paradise. However, we feel their loss and the void they leave due to the importance of the work they were undertaking. May Allah have mercy on him and all the martyrs.”
Early ages of Shaheed Reda al-Sha’er (ra)
Shaheed Reda al-Sha’er (ra) was born on March 17, 1957. Since his early childhood, he heard about the Palestinian Nakba and the crimes of the Zionist terrorist gangs. He never feared “Israel.”
Shaheed Reda al-Sha’er (ra) realized that his thoughts and convictions would lead him to a special world; a world that required a great deal of basira (insight), sincerity, and diligence. He was certain that devoting all his energies and qualifications to a divine cause would change all equations with the enemy.
Shaheed Reda al-Sha’er (ra) grew up in the town of Sohmor, one of the towns that connects the Bekaa to the south and which contained many liberal and Islamic political factions. There was also a Palestinian refugee camp next to it in Mashghara.
Shaheed Reda al-Sha’er studied at the village school and then moved to a vocational school to specialize in electrical engineering.
Al-Sha’er’s family originates from the village of Houneen, one of the seven occupied Lebanese villages.
In 1920, according to the San Remo Agreement and the Paulet-Newcombe Agreement, seven Lebanese border villages were annexed to Palestine: Houneen, on whose ruins the colonial settlement of Margaliot was established; Salha, on whose ruins the colonial settlement of Yiron and Avivim were established; Al-Malikiyah, on whose ruins the colonial settlement of Malikah was established; Ibl al-Qamh, on whose ruins the colonial settlement of Yoshav Yuval was established; Al-Nabiyusha, on whose ruins the colonial settlement of Ramot Naftali was established; Qadas, on whose ruins the colonial settlement of Yiftach was established; Tarbikha and the colonial settlement of Shumra was built on its ruins.
Contemplating on the Qur’anic verses
Shaheed Reda al-Sha’er (ra) did not choose to fight until he had read about the biographies and experiences of those who came before him, neither swaggering nor boasting. He was the first to believe in the inevitability of eliminating “Israel” from existence in compliance with Imam Khomeini’s visions derived from the essence of the Holy Qur’an: “Those who are fought against are permitted [to fight] because they have been wronged, and Allah is indeed able to help them.” [Al-Hajj: 39].
Shaheed Reda al-Sha’er (ra) was very interested in contemplating the meanings of the Qur’an, and he was a prominent example of the Qur’anic verse: “Muhammad, the Apostle of Allah, and those who are with him are hard against the faithless and merciful amongst themselves…. Allah has promised those of them who have faith and do righteous deeds forgiveness and a great reward.” [Al-Fath: 29]
Every detail of his honorable life was controlled by the teachings of the Holy Qur’an. Shaheed Reda al-Sha’er (ra) says: “God willing, as long as our trust in Allah the Almighty is great, we will be victorious. This is confirmed by Imam Khomeini’s saying: ‘Move with steadfast hearts. Be confident that Allah is with you.’ No movement can sustain itself without steadfast hearts and without trust in Allah. This is what we have learned from our Imams and scholars.”
Joining Sayyed Musa al-Sadr’s movement
Before the “Israeli” invasion, and in the midst of Lebanese civil war with Sayyed Musa al-Sadr announcing the formation of the First Resistance Battalions, calling on people to beware of internal fighting and to aim their rifles at the Zionist enemy only, Shaheed Reda al-Sha’er (ra) joined the “Bint Jbeil Axis” and then the “Taybeh Axis.”
Due to his combat worthiness, he was nicknamed “Maher” i.e. skilled. He was chosen for the mission of reconnaissance of the “Rab Thalatheen Site,” one of the strategic sites occupied by the Zionist enemy. Despite his young age, Shaheed Reda al-Sha’er (ra) proved his combat worthiness.

Shaheed Mustafa Chamran (ra) admired his wisdom, enthusiasm, and commitment. He recommended his trainers to take care of him because of his military and leadership skills, saying: “I hope for the best from the young Reda al-Shaer.”
Shaheed Reda al-Sha’er (ra) was a fierce, strong, tough, clever, and intelligent lion; fear did not dwell in his heart, and the tanks of the “Israeli” enemy did not intimidate him.
Once, one of the trainers saw him sitting aside and asked him what he was reading. He told him that he was reading “The Testament of the Commander of the Faithful to Malik al-Ashtar.” He asked him in surprise: “Have you attended the cadres course?!” Shaheed Reda al-Sha’er (ra) replied: “No. I borrowed it from one of the leaders to read it.” That trainer was amazed by his love for knowledge and devotion to Imam Ali’s (a) important commandments to the Mujahideen.
Establishing the Resistance in West Bekaa
Following the retreat of some resistance movements, Shaheed Reda al-Sha’er (ra) and few of his comrades refused to lay down their weapons. They were not deceived by false and deceptive promises of peace. At the Khaldeh Triangle in the vicinity of Beirut, these heroes led the bravest battles against the occupation.

At that time, the leaders of the “Israeli” army believed that invading Lebanon would eliminate the doctrine of resistance, but their plans were frustrated.
Shaheed Reda al-Sha’er (ra) returned to his hometown to establish, with his fellow martyrs Nassar Nassar, Abu Ali Shahla, Abu Hassan Bajiji, Abu Ali Mera’eh, etc., the first resistance cells in Western Bekaa.
The Secretary General of Hezbollah, His Eminence Sheikh Naim Qassem, said about that stage: “We were in a state of proving our existence and that Hezbollah would be at the forefront of the forces struggling to bring down the Zionist project.”
His dedication to Imam Khomeini’s principles
When the light of the Islamic Revolution shone in Iran and beyond, Shaheed Reda al-Sha’er’s heart melted with love for that leader, so Wilayatul Faqih governed his actions and every detail of his honorable life.
Shaheed Reda al-Sha’er (ra) used to dedicate a weekly meeting with a modest feast to the families of the martyrs and the needy, in his humble home to tell them about this doctrine.
People were affected by his words and humility. Shaheed Reda al-Sha’er (ra) used to highlight to them the character of Imam Khomeini (ra) in the face of tyrants, especially America and Britain, while Iran was still suffering under the yoke of the unjust war.
His greatest goal was to assure them that the victory achieved in Iran would be followed by victories in Lebanon, Palestine, and West Asia as a whole because the principle of rejecting injustice and fighting arrogance that Imam Khomeini had proposed could not be extinguished.
Shaheed Reda al-Sha’er (ra) would repeat to them that America is the Great Satan and that the unity of Muslims and their refusal to depend on the West or the East is the path to victory, calling on them to follow the example of martyrs Rajai, Sayyed Beheshti, Bahonar, and Mutahhari.
Shaheed Reda earlier thwarted the Zionist plots
One day, while leaving the mosque, Shaheed Reda al-Sha’er (ra) saw people taking water from the occupying soldiers. He went crazy and became furious. He warned his companions about the evil plot that the enemy was adopting to deceive the people. Shaheed Reda al-Sha’er (ra) told them that if this continued and developed, the enemy would be able to achieve its goals. So he asked them to spread a rumor that whoever drinks this water will become sterile. The next day, the soldiers were shocked, and they knew immediately that what had exposed their plan was Shaheed Reda al-Sha’er (ra).
The responsibility of Shaheed Reda al-Sha’er (ra) was to repel the advance of the “Israeli” enemy hordes. He turned to the possibility that they would carry out an airdrop on one of the heights in the area, specifically in the town of Labaya. This is what actually happened, but the landing failed.
Performing Hijra duty like Prophet Mohammad
After that, the resistance operations continued in West Bekaa. Shaheed Reda al-Sha’er (ra) and his companions shattered the image of the “Israeli” army. The latter began to inquire about the perpetrators. The ground forces moved to arrest Shaheed Reda al-Sha’er (ra), raiding the villages in search of him, but they failed.
For a week, the raids on homes did not stop. The shelling and attacks on citizens intensified. Shaheed Reda al-Sha’er (ra) and his companions stood firm and continued the confrontation until Hezbollah’s central leadership asked them to perform Hijra (migrate) to a safe place, an Islamic duty stipulated in the Qur’an as following:
“Then their Lord answered them, ‘I do not waste the work of any worker among you, whether male or female; you are all on the same footing. So those who migrated and were expelled from their homes, and were tormented in My way, and those who fought and were killed—I will surely absolve them of their misdeeds and I will admit them into gardens with streams running in them, as a reward from Allah, and Allah—with Him is the best of rewards.’” [Al Imran: 195]
Shaheed Reda al-Sha’er (ra) moved to the town of Nabi Sheet, the hometown of Shaheed Sayyed Abbas al-Moussawi (ra).
Shaheed Reda al-Sha’er insisted on explaining the philosophy of migration in Islam, and its importance in building and empowering the resistance, stressing that it would not last long and they would return victorious.
At that stage, Shaheed Reda al-Sha’er (ra) secretly worked to establish extensive relationships with various groups in the central Bekaa region, in order to benefit from their experiences in the resistance and integrate them into the confrontation, as well as to benefit from them in smuggling weapons into the western Bekaa.
With a Turbah1 and a bullet, we revive Islam
Once, his wife asked him: “Why did you put the bullet and Turbah together on the prayer rug?”
Shaheed Reda al-Sha’er (ra) replied: “I want to teach my children a lesson that we fight with both together; with the bullet we fight the enemies and with the Turbah we fight the devil.”
Soil is the most precious thing we posses
In another incident, Shaheed Reda asked his wife: “What do you want me to bring you from Sohmor?”
She told him that she missed the Saj-bread of Sohmor.
When he returned, Shaheed Reda did not have bread. He asked her to bring a tray. Then he began to pour some of the soil he brought with him from Sohmor for her.
Shaheed Reda al-Sha’er (ra) told her: “This soil is more precious than bread. We were displaced in defence of this soil.”
Sohmor 1984 Massacre
In September 1984, the Sohmor massacre was carried out by the “Israeli” enemy, which gathered the villagers in the main square to interrogate them regarding the killing of four of its soldiers at the hands of the resistance near the village, resulting in 13 martyrs and 40 wounded.
Shaheed Reda al-Sha’er (ra) sent the facts of that heinous massacre to the Lebanese and international newspapers and media outlets, as the enemy tried hard to cover up the massacre.
Liberation of West Bekaa
In April 1985, in light of the successive successes of the resistance, the “Israeli” occupation army was forced to withdraw from West Bekaa. Shaheed Reda al-Sha’er (ra) returned to Sohmor.
His wife was very happy, thinking that her husband would stop and retreat.
Despite his injuries, he said to her: “Rejoice because now you will be close to your family. But you must pay attention that now I have a greater mission on my shoulders. I will be away for a long time and I will not stop fighting until the land is liberated. When the land is liberated, I will return home and rest.”
Shaheed Reda al-Sha’er (ra) returned as a strategic expert in field combat. He began preparing for a new era of resistance against the occupation. He began planning to attack all the sites from which villages and civilians were being bombed.
Establishing the first Mahdi Scouts (aj) in Sohmor
Immediately after returning from Nabi Sheet, Shaheed Reda al-Sha’er insisted on establishing a scout group especially for girls. He asked sister Wafaa Menhem to take over the matter. She was very afraid, especially since the socio-political situation in the village was highly critical. Then, the newly-born Hezbollah was a fragile movement; most influential movements were trying to undermine it and ingrained in the villagers’ subconscious that resisting “Israel” was an adventure. Sister Wafaa was hesitant because people would be afraid to send their daughters to religious education linked to Imam Khomeini’s Wilayatul Faqih, including her own parents.
She told him: “People mock us. How can we convince them?” Shaheed Reda al-Sha’er replied: “It’s okay, sister Wafaa. It’s just a matter of time. Today we are few. But in the future our power and presence will grow. This small Hezbollah will one day become a global power feared by America and all the entire arrogant powers. Trust in God and have faith in His promise: ‘As for those who strive in Us, We shall surely guide them in Our ways, and Allah is indeed with the virtuous.’” [Surat Al-Ankabut 69]
Among the mist important events that he never neglected to commemorate and promote were the victory of the Islamic Revolution and Quds Day. He urged the sisters to pay special attention to them and to inform people of the importance of the Palestinian cause and the danger of the malicious Zionist project.
Shaheed Reda in parallel focused on urging loose and modest clothing and correcting the controls of Islamic Hijab. He gifted Sister Wafaa an abaya/chador, which was a new and unfamiliar social phenomenon in a mostly liberal society, advising her not to be affected by the social bullies.
Due to the ignorance prevailing in the society at that time, when her brother, Shaheed Lebanon, was martyred, some people would tell her: “Your black Chador has brought a bad omen to your house. You should take it off.”
Even some mothers would warn their daughters asking them to stay away from her and not attend the scouting sessions. It is worth mentioning that among the first to attend those sessions were those who have become media and cultural elites and mothers of martyrs, including: Zainab al-Zein (wife of Shaheed Youssef, mother of Shaheed Ali Alaa Al-Din, sister of the three Shuhada Ali, Hussein, and Hilal al-Zein and aunt of Shaheed Ali al-Zein). Also among those who attended was Dr. Umaima Olleik, author and translator of Persian literature (mother of Shaheed Haidar “Khomeini” who was recently martyred). Also her sister, the media figure at Hezbollah’s Al-Nour Radio, Buthaina Olleik.
Shaheed Reda al-Sha’er iknew that reforming women leads to reforming society, according to Imam Khomeini’s saying: “Women, like the Qur’an, both are entrusted with refining the human being.”
If Sohmor is known today for the Islamic cultural movement for women and the expansion of the chador phenomenon among women, especially girls, the first and last credit goes to Shaheed Reda al-Sha’er (ra) who also gifted them books by Imam Khomeini, Sheikh Mutahhari, Shaheeda Bint al-Huda, etc., emphasizing the necessity of enhancing religious awareness and introducing women to Imam Khomeini’s principles and commandments.
His commitment to Imam Khomeini’s approach

Shaheed Reda al-Sha’er (ra) used to travel through the rugged mountains from the Bekaa to the South, covering very long and tiring distances. He did not miss a single day; he would prepare and train the Mujahideen and plan further operations.
Their work was extremely difficult and depended solely on human effort. They would spend days in the open or in caves, without blankets or food.
Once, Shaheed Reda al-Sha’er (ra) managed to infiltrate a strategic military site in the rocky Barouk Mountain. Despite the high nets and fortifications, he managed to infiltrate alone and paste a picture of Imam Khomeini on one of the armored vehicles. In the morning, the soldiers panicked, thinking that the site had been occupied, and they started shooting hysterically.
Serving the people
The work of Shaheed Reda al-Sha’er (ra) was not limited to military mobilization only, as he focused on educating the people, explaining to them the movement of Imam Khomeini and Hezbollah.
Shaheed Reda al-Sha’er (ra) used to say: “O Mujahideen, look to the satisfaction of God and do not look to the satisfaction of the people.”
He insisted on awareness-raising activities for women, believing that they are the makers of the Mujahideen and the orchestrators of strong societies.
Shaheed Reda al-Sha’er (ra) began to warn the oppressed of American-funded NGOs and the malicious goals for which they work. His role was to mobilize the people, serve them, and provide for their needs due to the deliberate neglect that the Lebanese governments were pursuing towards the Shi’i areas, which were devoid of the simplest services until Shaheed Reda al-Sha’er (ra) and his companions established educational and service institutions.
Shaheed Reda al-Sha’er (ra) was keen to follow up on the conditions of orphans and provide them with alms, saying: “This is Imam Khomeini’s gift to you.”
He further volunteered in the Shuhada Foundation to serve the families of the martyrs who were accustomed to his continuous visits to check on them.

Among what was written in his notebook is the recommendation of Imam al-Sadiq (as): “Visit each other, for in your visit there is a revival of your hearts, and a remembrance of our hadiths. Our hadiths make you sympathetic to each other. If you take them, you will be guided and saved. If you abandon them, you will go astray and perish. Take them, and I am the guarantor of your salvation.”
Another recommendation of Imam Reza (as) was: “May God have mercy on the servant who revives our teachings [by learning] our sciences and teaching them to people, for if people knew the merits of our speech, they would follow us.”
Planning the first storming operation in the history of resistance
For four months, Shaheed Reda al-Sha’er (ra) planned to storm the Kafr Houna site, despite its complex terrain, vast area, and location under a strategic location that protected it. He was aware of the danger of the work he was about to undertake, but he was also aware that it was laying the foundation for turning the equations with the enemy. He monitored, reconnoitered, and gathered all the required information.
Shaheed Reda al-Sha’er (ra) explained his plan to his team in detail referring to Imam Ali’s will to his son Muhammad ibn al-Hanafiyyah when he gave him the banner on the Day of the Camel: “Mountains may move, but you will not. Bite on your molar, lend God your skull, and plant your foot in the ground. Cast your gaze toward the furthest part of the people, and lower your gaze, and know that victory comes from God, glory be to Him.”
Shaheed Reda al-Sha’er (ra) explained to them: “What is required of sincere Mujahideen is steadfastness of heart. All our work and jihad must be sincere to Allah Almighty; He is the One who guides us in times of distress and hardship. Your mission is to be certain of the victory that Allah will grant you after you fulfill your duty.”
The resistance leadership refused to have him lead the first storming operation in its history due to their need for his qualifications and experience, but he insisted on advancing.
First, Shaheed Reda al-Sha’er (ra) deactivated the mines surrounding the site and then cut the barbed wire surrounding the site. He killed two officers in the main bunker. Then he attacked the two secondary bunkers and succeeded in storming the site and eliminating a large number of elite Zionist soldiers.
Shaheed Reda ordered the site to be evacuated quickly. Before he withdrew, Allah willed that he be chosen as a Shaheed.

“Allah has given special sanctity to 6 places on earth: Masjid al-Haram, the Haram [the area surrounding Mecca], the graves of the prophets, the graves of the saints, the place of ascension of the martyrs, and the mosques where Allah is worshiped.”
– Imam Sadiq (a)
(Bihar al-Anwar – Allamah al-Majlisi – Vol. 98 – Page 66)
One of the leaders of the “Israeli” army ordered his blessed body to be transferred to the occupied Palestinian lands.
Shaheed Reda’s honorable body was placed in one of the halls of the “Israeli” Ministry of War and a group of officers were invited. They were outraged. Then he ordered them to salute him. Reportedly, he said to them: “This fighter exhausted us in searching for him. He did not want to surrender to us except in this way. He refused to compromise with us on his convictions, so he deserves to be a role model for you.”
Shaheed Reda al-Sha’er (ra) thwarted the state of fear among the people, opening the era of storming operations against the Zionists on February 21, 1986.
It is mentioned that Shaheed Reda al-Sha’er (ra) was martyred 40 days after burying Shaheed Lebanon Menhem whom the traitorous Lebanese Phalanges killed to prevent him from resisting the “Israeli” enemy.
After negotiations to exchange prisoners, Shaheed Abu Hassan Muhammad Bejiaji (ra) received his pure body, saying: “Congratulations, Abu Muhammad Reda. The stars used to see you, but our eyes do not,” referring to the sleepless nights he spent secretly reconnoitering the enemy’s positions.
Shaheed Reda in Shaheed Sayyed Abbas’ words
“Tell me, did [Prophet] Muhammad bin Abdullah (S) take something from this world with him? That is how the sons of the Islamic Resistance are. The proof of their sincerity is that they pay everything and take nothing. They sacrificed their pure blood. They widow their women. They orphan their children, they pay everything. Isn’t that enough proof of their sincerity? Shaheed Mohammad Bejiaji in the Bekaa, what did he take with him? Shaheed Reda al-Sha’er, what did he take with him?” Sayyed Abbas al-Moussawi (ra) asked in one of his speeches in 1991 in Sohmor.
Shaheed Reda in Shaheed Sayyed Nasrallah’s words

Shaheed Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah did not miss an opportunity to mention the virtues of Shaheed Reda al-Sha’er (ra). He repeatedly asked authors to record his biography, promising to write the introduction to the book himself. However, Allah willed that His Eminence be martyred before any book would be published on Shaheed Reda al-Sha’er (ra).
“Congratulations to you O Reda al-Sha’er, Abu Hassan Bejiaji, Ahmed Shuaib, Nassar Nassar, Hajj Jawad [Matout], and all the martyrs. Hurry to welcome a [new] beloved Shaheed who has arrived, holding with him the messages of all your dear comrades who are still waiting their martyrdom. They have not and will not change at all”, as Shaheed Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said about him.
In another speech, Shaheed Sayyed Hassan says: “The [West Bekaa] region has earlier embraced the resistance, its men and women, its elders and young children. From it, the vanguard of the mujahideen, the resistance fighters, the martyrs and the martyr leaders such as Abu Hassan Bajiji, Reda al-Shaer, and Nassar Nassar. All the martyrs of this region are dear, great and great martyrs, who sacrificed their lives, their pure blood and the flower of youth for their Islam, their religion, their country and their people.”
He said: “These (martyrs) are a secret charity; a rope between this resistance and God. This rope must be preserved. I address you (O people) in the Western Bekaa, whose road is cut off from here and there, and who are besieged by mountains and valleys, as long as between you and God is Reda al-Shaer, as long as between you and God is Bassam Abbas, as long as between you and God is Nassar Nassar, God’s angels will descend upon you from heaven and no one will be able to erect barriers in your way.”
Editor’s note: To our knowledge, no biography on the Al-Sha’er martyrs has been written, neither in Arabic nor in any other language. Therefore, it is our humbling honor to fulfill the wish of Shaheed Nasrallah by presenting this biography.
Shaheed Reda al-Sha’er’s loyalty to Palestine
The Palestinian cause was never far from his mind. Shaheed Reda al-Sha’er (ra) kept repeating Sayyed Musa al-Sadr’s phrase wherever he went: “The honor of al-Quds refuses to be liberated except by the hands of honorable believers.”
Two years after his martyrdom, during the commemoration of Quds Day in 1988, which coincided with the Intifada, his comrade, Shaheed Abu Hassan Mohammad Bejiaji (ra) said: “Quds is witnessing a blessed situation these days, witnessing a blessed Islamic uprising, but do you know where this uprising came from? Brothers, by God, it is the body of Reda al-Sha’er (ra); the spirit of Reda al-Sha’er (ra) that has reached Al-Quds. The blood of the martyrs, all the martyrs of the Islamic Resistance, by God, is what created the uprising.”
Shaheed Reda’s commandments
Shaheed Reda al-Sha’er (ra) was a caring, understanding, and patient husband, as well as a loving and affectionate father despite his many preoccupations and frequent absences. He was very concerned with the issue of maintaining family ties.
Shaheed Reda al-Sha’er had two sons and three daughters. He always advised his eldest daughter to read the supplication of Kumayl every Thursday night in groups, not individually.
Shaheed Reda al-Sha’er (ra) was very keen on pleasing his parents despite his preoccupations and long absences. He always apologized to them for the enemy’s daily harassment.
On the 37th anniversary of his martyrdom, preacher Sayyed Hussein Murtada said: “If I had been able, I would have stayed at Shaheed Reda al-Sha’er’s grave because of the honorable status he has with God.”
Shaheed Reda al-Sha’er was a mystic, a believer in the Qur’an, an ascetic, a knowledgeable, patient, forbearing, and humble worshipper who loved others and others loved him dearly.
“Hold fast to Wilayatul Faqih for it is the path that will conquer the US and ‘Israel.’ It is the secret of Islamic unity, the guarantor of victory, and the glory of Islam and Muslims,” said Shaheed Reda al-Sha’er (ra).
Shaheed Reda al-Sha’er (ra) also says: “The young generation should not be left to be culturally corrupted by liberal NGOs under the pretext of empowerment and entertainment.”
Shaheed Reda al-Sha’er’s will to his family
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
My dear family,
The honor that Allah has bestowed upon me, was obtained thanks to your patience and faith during the long years of struggle.
When everyone was enjoying their sleep while you were counting the moments so that I might come to you at dawn.
I will prepare for you the paradise what you love; and you must prepare to reach me as I love.
My dear wife,
I will never forget your staying up late, your patience, and your struggle in my absence, and your smile that still revives my heart.
Know that Allah has chosen you for the difficult tribulations because He knows who you are and how you are, and this is my hope in you.
I see you – wearing the cloak of Sayyeda Zainab (sa) – as you deliver my message to the world with awareness, wisdom, patience, and sacrifice.
My most beautiful wish is that we meet in heaven in the hands of the Most Gracious. Your longing martyr, Reda.
Impact of Shaheed Reda al-Sha’er on his nephew Shaheed Abu Hawra

It is mentioned in the Holy Qur’an: “And We blessed him and Isaac. Among their descendants [some] are virtuous, and [some] who manifestly wrong themselves.” [Surat As-Saffat: 113]
According to the interpretation of Al-Bayan by Sayyed al-Khoei (ra): “The noble verse urged Isaac to be among the righteous so that he would be covered with blessings, comprehensive blessings in life, in future generations, and in everything.”
The verse in question refers to the steadfastness and permanence of divine blessings upon prophets Abraham, Isaac, and their families.
One of the blessings that God bestowed upon Abraham and Isaac is that He made all the prophets of the Children of Israel from the descendants of Isaac, while Prophet Muhammad is from the descendants of Ishmael.
These blessings do not include all members of Abraham’s family and clan, but only the faithful and righteous among them, i.e. those who obey Allah. As for the “unjust,” they are the disbelieving deviants like the Jews and Christians who were proud of being the sons of the prophets.
According to the verse: “kinship alone is not a reason for pride if it is not accompanied by faith and firm commitment to the faith as mentioned in the hadith of Prophet Muhammad where he addresses the Banu Hashim: ‘When people come to me with their deeds, do not come to me with your lineage.’” [see Tafsir al-Bayan, Volume 7, Page 479]
This is how Shaheed Abu Hawra, Muhammad Qasim al-Sha’er (ra) was.
Shaheed Abu Hawra al-Sha’er (ra) says: “Ultimately, no one forced us to take this path. We chose it of our own free will. This path is the closest to God. This life as we know is a place of passage, as the Commander of the Faithful said: ‘Time is like a sword, if you do not cut it, it will cut you. We must spend this time in a way that pleases God Almighty.’”
He adds: “As Shaheed Ridwan Douga says: ‘Know, O Mujahideen, that fatigue, suffering, blood, and tribulation are the taxes of entering a bright and spacious grave, and from there to a day in which there is no panic or fear, where smiles appear on the faces of the martyrs, and Abu Abdullah Al-Hussain (a) accompanies them to the highest heavens. This will is enough for me, and I hope that all my loved ones will delve into the wills of the martyrs, in the suffering of the wounded.”
Shaheed Abu Hawra al-Sha’er (ra) says: “It is our responsibility to preserve the legacy of all the martyrs who have ascended.”
Over the course of 5 decades, he prepared and trained the Mujahideen. He was one of the heroes of the liberation in 2000. Shaheed Abu Hawra (ra) participated in several heroic operations. When the resistance fought against the Takfiris, he was at the forefront of the participants defending the people of Bekaa and the oppressed in Syria.

Shaheed Abu Hawra (ra) believed in the responsibility of preparing every individual well to eliminate the Zionist entity, saying: “The results of this [last] battle are sufficient to destroy this entity in its entirety while preserving our strategic, operational, and tactical capabilities. The sacrifices we have made are self-evident and can be compensated for. Our people are somewhat sound despite the sacrifices and destruction. This battle will save us three-quarters of the efforts that must be made in the final battle, as it will reinforce internal differences inside the colonial entity due to the loss of confidence in the security and military institutions, because the basis of the survival of this entity is deterrence.”
He added: “We have curbed the Zionists, according to their analysts. No one should be affected by the greatness of what we are sacrificing. What we are building and accumulating is in the context of preparing for the government of Imam Mahdi (may Allah hasten his reappearance). We are planning for the post-‘Israel’ era. The element of our strength is greater than many imagine. This banner will be handed over to Imam Mahdi.”
Shaheed Abu Hawra (ra) stresses: “Military war is inevitable in light of the Arab and Islamic silence. God has chosen the Shi’a for this role, their courage, their creativity, their composure, etc. Its main source is the Karbala Revolution led by Imam Hussain. All that we have is from the Ashura Revolution and the revolution of Imam Khomeini. The outcomes of this battle will be reflected on the Shi’a movement in the world. This is what we firmly believe in the school of authentic Muhammadan Islam. Our duty is to prepare ourselves to be worthy of belonging to Imam Mahdi.”
As a final note, it is worthy to say that Martyr Reda al-Sha’er also participated in the battle of Khorramshahr in the Islamic Republic of Iran against the US/Zionist-backed Saddam regime’s invasion.
[1] Shi’as prostrate on clay tablets made from the dust of Karbala, known as a turbah