The Firmest Handle: Converts to Islam Who Became Martyrs – Book

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Seeking the truth by any means necessary – learn about the converts to Islam who gave everything they had, including their life, to stand for the truth, justice, and righteousness.

What does it mean to seek the truth? These terms get thrown around by soothe-sayers, but those who practice what they preach know that they must sacrifice everything to defend the truth, even their lives. Can anyone truly claim to stand for the truth if they are not willing to die defending it?

Thankfully, God has provided us lost sheep with several shining stars who truly adhered to the path of truth-seeking and were willing to pay the ultimate price, rather than live a mundane life passively supporting the wicked tyrants and their empires of falsehood. This book documents those martyrs whose truth-seeking path led them to accept the religion of Islam after coming from a non-Muslim background, or go from one sect of Islam towards the path of Ahlul Bayt (the Prophet Muhammad’s family, peace be upon them), and then get martyred because of standing for truth, justice, righteousness, and against wickedness and oppression. These particular martyrs were not bound to one ethnicity, ranging from fair-skinned Europeans to black-skinned African Americans, nor one geography. Sometimes, they had to go to a battlefield to attain martyrdom, while for others, martyrdom came to them, as the wicked tyrants and usury-eating wealthy elites felt their existence was so unbearable that they had to be eliminated through assassinations.

All human beings will die – this is a fact. The choice we all have is whether to die a death of dignity, or one of humiliation. These martyrs chose that which Imam Hussain (as) declared over 1,400 years ago in the plains of Karbala: death with dignity is better than a life of humiliation.

The Firmest Handle covers the lives of the following convert/repentant martyrs:

  • Tony Abi Ghanem, a Lebanese who came from a Christian family
  • Malcolm X, African-American revolutionary leader
  • Malcolm Latif Shabazz, the grandson of Malcolm X – our book is the first ever to write about this martyr’s life
  • Edoardo Agnelli, son of the Italian multi-billionaire Gianni Agnelli
  • Ayman al-Fakih, a Lebanese born into a secular Sunni Muslim family
  • Samir K*nt@я, a Lebanese born into a Druze family
  • Jerome Kamel Courcelle, a half-Tunisian, half-French martyr who left France to join the Sacred Defense
  • and more…

Learn what it means to seek the truth by any means necessary via the lives of these sincere saints of God.

Format: Hardcover

Page count: 572

Release date: October 21, 2024

A portion of the proceeds will go to charity.

Weight 2 kg
Dimensions 9 × 6 × 2 cm


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