
Philosophical Liberalism: The Religion of the Ego & the Idol of the Self

Liberalism's pervasive worldview has distorted the true definition of words like “freedom,” the most glaring example being the recent foreign-funded riots in Iran done in the name of liberalism's false version of “freedom.”

Written by Tarek Bazzi – originally published on Instagram, republished with permission of the author

“…the disobedience of those who disobey Him does not harm Him, nor does the obedience of those who obey Him benefit Him.”

– Imam Ali (as)

The highest value of secular liberalism is personal freedom – doing whatever you want. All things are judged by this standard.

If you decide to do something, that’s good because you’ve exercised personal freedom. If you decide to do the exact opposite thing, that’s also good because you’ve exercised personal freedom.

This is the senselessness of secular liberalism, devoid of any ultimate standard (i.e. God). Everything and anything can be both good or bad. This is what leads to the breakdown of social order and civil discourse. It’s like playing a sport when every person on the field has their own set of rules.

In essence, secular liberalism is the ultimate proponent of selfishness, because personal freedom trumps all other values, duties, and expectations.

Islam is the exact opposite. The highest value is servitude to our Creator, the ultimate form of selflessness. This means that there is a single, objective standard for all, which leads to a cohesive social order.

Time continues to reveal that the most corrosive ideology to faith, family, and society is secular liberalism.


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