Health & MedicineResearch

A Reasonable, Balanced Approach to Childhood Vaccines

To vaccinate or not to vaccinate? That is the question. But does that have to be the question? Isn't there a reasonable middle ground between opposing all vaccines and blindly accepting the dogma of the corrupted CDC & WHO?

As a father-to-be, the health of my incoming first child is a big concern to me, especially as it was difficult for us to have children. It took many years, many tears, thousands of dollars in therapies and herbal supplements, going from clinic to clinic in many different countries (both naturopathic/traditional and allopathic/modern), one miscarriage, and a blessed pilgrimage to Karbala, Iraq during Arbaeen in 2023 to finally be blessed with this gift from Allah.

The natural issue that comes to mind of any parent who has critical thinking and tries to assess the world around them, without walking around like a zombie blindly following whatever the Satanic powers tells them to do, obviously arrives at the controversial subject of vaccines: to vaccinate or not to vaccinate? That is the question.

In short, for me — as an independent journalist who understands the criminal history of the pharmaceutical mafia of the US and how the global Zionist elites believe in eugenics, but who is reasonable and doesn’t hop between one extreme to another — the answer is both: yes to vaccinate, but not to vaccinate according to the official CDC/WHO schedule, and to be aware of the ingredients of each vaccine which differ from manufacturer to manufacturer, making the best decision with the advice of an independent-minded medical doctor.

An indispensable book that has been key in giving me a balanced perspective on vaccines, independent of the corrupted institutions of the American government (who intentionally abuses scientific knowledge to advance wicked agendas that harm human beings on purpose), is The Vaccine-Friendly Plan by Dr. Paul Thomas, MD.

A condensed guide to his recommended vaccine schedule that is an alternative to the overbearing CDC schedule can be found further within this article.

“But Dr. Thomas has had his medical license revoked! He must be a quack then!” To those whose knee jerk reaction is to say that, ask yourself why he would lose his license, and what kind of system revoked it?

The same corrupt medical system that has been based on corruption, bribery, and pseudoscience since the Rockefeller family took over the medical system in the US since the early 1990s, that is who revoked it.

Prior to their takeover of the medical system, there was no battle or separation between traditional medicine and modern medicine. In fact, many modern medicines have primary ingredients which are derived from plant sources. This split only happened when a corrupt, ultra-wealthy family took over many different sectors of society: medicine, agriculture, education, banking, and more. They manipulated all these systems intentionally to cause maximum harm to society. The Rockefellers were not benevolent peoples. Their takeover the medical system deemed all natural and traditional medical knowledge as “quackery” (see how they must resort to ad-hominem name-calling instead of debating on actual facts and presenting a mature, cogent counter-argument) and should not be approved by the FDA for treating illnesses.

This corrupt system is full of bribery and compromised scientists who are selected by the modern day Pharaohs in order to fulfill a certain agenda. It is not the case that the same regime which dropped atomic bombs on Japan, enslaved millions of Africans and Irish, enslaved millions of its own through usury-based banking, killed millions of people in West Asia in the so-called “War on Terror,” killed their own president JFK, and enables the child-killing Zionist regime somehow turns around and magically becomes human, caring, and benevolent when it comes to science.

Science is no longer an independent process of inquiry into the natural world. It has become a set of unquestionable dogmas made holy and sacrosanct by the same powers who have killed and enslaved millions across the world. It has become a tool in the hands of the wicked to fulfill a certain agenda of causing as much human misery across the planet.

Yes, science and technology has still brought much benefit to the world, extended peoples’ lives, reduced our burdens, and much more positive aspects. This includes the field of modern medicine. The presence of corruption and misuse of science should not lead to extremism and throwing out the baby with the bathwater. However, we cannot blindly accept the whole package either: we must discern truth from falsehood.

Therefore, it should be a badge of honor that Dr. Thomas had his license removed. This is no different from when the US government sends the FBI to investigate political dissidents or labels people as “antisemitic” for speaking out against Zionism, or makes people lose their job because of anti-Zionist and anti-imperialist political views. It’s the same tactics of slander and intimidation. These governmental bodies are not impartial agencies but rather those who seek to perpetuate a system of falsehood and punish those independent-minded experts who dare to speak the truth.

Dr. Thomas is not even anti-vaccine. In fact, he encourages vaccinations but presents evidence that the current CDC schedule can be risky for a child’s health in the same way that avoiding all vaccines can be risky. A man whose balanced view is a result of his medical expertise and evidence-based claims will naturally lose his license in a system where truth is treason due to the system being an empire of lies. An independent scientist who isn’t part of an agenda to intentionally cause human suffering, and questions the dogma of this corrupt, wicked system will naturally wind up silenced by the oppressors.

To try to sum up his basic premise briefly, he firmly believes in the concept of immunization that is the basis of vaccines, and that vaccination has led to the eradication of many serious illnesses, especially ones that resulted in relatively higher childhood mortality rates. However, he does not hold certain ingredients in vaccines holy, unquestionable, and sacrosanct. It is the questioning of certain vaccine ingredients that eventually got thimerosal (mercury) removed from most vaccines since 2001. Why can’t we question more ingredients and seek to replace them with safer alternatives?

At the same time, he doesn’t hold these ingredients, as unsafe as they may be (when given in large dosages through multiple vaccines in one day instead of spread out every few weeks), as solely responsible for an alarming uptick in debilitating medical conditions. A myriad of factors combined contributes. Specifically, he links the use of acetaminophen (the main ingredient in Tylenol) as something that exacerbates the effects of harmful substances which enter the body. He also addresses the very unhealthy lifestyles and diets of the modern world, through junk food and processed food, as well as various chemicals like parabens, BPA, phtalates, and other “forever chemicals.” He also notes the destruction of the microbiome of our gut, and especially how certain practices after birth, such as washing the baby with Johnson & Johnson brand soap (is its widespread use a result of science or a result of corporate marketing?) which gets rid of beneficial bacteria on the baby needed to help its immune system.

He also brought up the example of the war on breastfeeding, using an example where corporate sales representatives of Nestle or some other major company that produced infant formula went into African villages dressed up as nurses and doctors to tell women that formula was better than breastfeeding. Formula is usually ultra-pasteurized milk from A1 cows fed with an unnatural diet of GMO grains instead of grasses and the leaves of crops which are not edible for humans, highly processed industrial oils (soy, canola, corn) which are horrible for our health, high fructose corn syrup (an ultra-processed form of sugar that overloads the body), and many more bad and highly-processed ingredients. While it may be necessary in special situations, where a mother cannot produce milk nor can she find a nurse maid to donate or sell her milk, breastfeeding is the superior option for health hands down, not only due to the health and immune system benefits (as God designed this universe in balance and with a purpose), but due to the bonding it creates between the mother and her child.

This war continues on as Bill Gates funded media outlets promote propaganda that breastmilk is bad, meanwhile he is investing in “lab-grown milk.” Funny how that works. And yet we are to believe that such claims are the result of science, and not due to profit-seeking and worse, fulfilling certain agendas to intentionally harm the health of human beings in hopes of slowly reducing the human population.

Dr. Thomas notes that vaccines have been tested individually for safety, but the effects of accumulated vaccines have not been thoroughly tested. His main concerns are the ingredients of thimerosal (mostly phased out since 2001), aluminum, and formaldehyde, and that the current CDC schedule recommends way too many vaccines and that many of them are given all in one doctor’s visit.

He believes that the combined amounts of aluminum go beyond the safe levels per kilogram of body weight. Therefore, he recommends that children spread out their vaccines instead of taking them all in one doctor’s visit. The first vaccine he suggests is Hib at two months of age, due to it not containing any aluminum, and then Prevnar two weeks later (the baby’s first aluminum containing shot), followed by another Hib two weeks later (now three months), and then another Prevnar two weeks later (thus creating a full one month distance between the shots that contain aluminum).

For Hepatitis B vaccine at birth, he suggests to go back to the way it was when the vaccine was rolled out: it was only given to those who were at risk (sexually promiscuous people and drug users) or mothers who tested positive for the virus prior to giving birth or those from countries with virtually no hygienic standards. It suddenly was switched to become recommended for every newborn regardless of situation, despite the fact that all Hep B vaccine brands contain aluminum in an amount that is 16 times greater than the FDA limit per kilogram of body weight (for infants, that is, due to their small body weight). It makes no sense to give a newborn such a vaccine unless their mother has Hep B. If she doesn’t, then it is fine to wait. Although the west is trying to sexualize young children, still the majority of young children aren’t engaged in the sinful behaviors mentioned above.

Additionally, he noted that studies on teenagers who took the Hep B vaccine showed that the effects of the vaccine wear off by the time that teenagers in godless countries who have normalized the sin of fornication and promiscuity, with a very disappointing percentage of teenagers still carrying the antibodies/antigens that make them immune to the virus. Thus, it makes more sense to take the Hep B vaccine later in life when their larger bodies can tolerate the aluminum dose and that the immunity will last them into their life during those years where they can fall into sinful behavior or travel to countries with no hygienic standards.

For the polio vaccine, he suggests that those who live in countries where the disease has not been fully eradicated get the vaccine, although he doesn’t say which age is safe. In general, the one month rule between aluminum-containing vaccines is helpful in determining the timing, and consultation with doctors can be made to fit the polio vaccine into this once-per-month alternative vaccine schedule. It is interesting to note that even the mainstream media reported that the oral polio vaccine has led to cases of polio in countries where polio had been since eradicated. Another reason why our approach to vaccines should be balanced, and not treated as an unquestionable dogma. A non-oral vaccine with a dead virus would be better than the oral live virus vaccine.

For MMR, he suggests that one month space between this vaccine and the previous vaccine be given, and that MMR should be taken alone by itself. A CDC whistleblower once admitted that a famous 2004 study on MMR vaccines omitted key information that showed that black boys who received an MMR vaccine prior to 24 months of age had a higher instance of autism than those who received it after 24 months. Naturally, the Zionist media was quick to spin it and pressure forced the whistleblower to issue a retraction of sorts, but was such spin and such a retraction a result of honest scientific debate, or scaremongering? It is clear that measles, mumps, and rubella are important diseases to eradicate, and the results of these findings — if viewed by reasonable, balanced people — should not lead to vaccine-hesitancy for the MMR vaccine, but simply suggests delaying the time in which it is administered.

The debate doesn’t have to be polarized between those who are totally anti-vaccine and those who treat the CDC guidelines as divine revelation. In fact, not addressing the overwhelming frequency of doses in the CDC schedule, as well as not trying to find safer alternatives to thimerosal, aluminum, and formaldehyde, only exacerbates the problem of vaccine hesitancy in parents. If these issues were to be resolved, vaccination rates would certainly increase. The problem is, corrupt pharmaceutical companies like Pfizer, Merck, and GSK do not care about human beings and don’t seek to give us safe ingredients, which is why independent countries should break this monopoly and be innovative in their vaccine technology, instead of simply making a domestic version based on western formulas and ingredients.

Then there is the existence of the vaccine injury reporting system (VAERS) and the vaccine injury court within the US.

Therefore, as a parent-to-be, I struggle between two risks for my child: the risks of debilitating diseases that can cause permanent health problems or even death, or the risks of severe side effects from following the CDC schedule down to the last detail.

As a reasonable human being, why should I have to choose between these two extremes? I can still vaccinate my child to eliminate the risk of deadly diseases while also reducing the risk of vaccine injuries, by reducing the number of vaccines as well as slowing down and spreading out the timing of each dose.

Dr. Paul presents his reasonable, evidence-based alternative to the CDC schedule in his book The Vaccine-Friendly Plan:

Unlike the CDC, which presents its schedule as a one-size-fits-all plan that the entire world must emulate, this is not a one-size fits all plan. Those mothers who are infected with Hep B should give their child the Hep B vaccine at birth since the risks of the illness are worse than the risks of the high level of alumimum (it would be nice of the manufacturers stopped abusing their monopolies and find a safer ingredient to replace aluminum). Same with polio, MMR, and other vaccines. Those who live in West Asia, where there is lack of public hygiene (due to the effects of US imperialism and Zionism destroying infrastructure and stealing the wealth of the natural resources from the country at cheap prices) or tourism from countries with lack of hygiene, perhaps MMR should be given after 24 months instead of after 36 months, to keep on the safe side. The flexibility of an alternative schedule to meet the individual child’s needs must include a medical doctor’s advice, hopefully with an open-minded medical doctor who is balanced and not on either extreme.

Unfortunately, my reasonable position on this sensitive issue triggers some peoples’ psychological defense mechanism of cognitive dissonance, especially when I address issues of corruption in the western medical system when I am in the doctor’s office, including in the Islamic Republic of Iran where sadly the corrupt western system has been largely copy/pasted from due to mental colonialism, especially under the liberal, western-leaning administration of Hassan Fereydoun (“Rouhani”).

What is sad that those who have university degrees and PhDs violate the basic principles of philosophy 101, which they were certainly required to take in their undergraduate studies. They should remember that strawman arguments are a logical fallacy, but employ strawmans when engaging with me. A strawman argument is defined as “giving the impression of refuting an opponent’s argument, while actually refuting an argument that was not presented by that opponent.”

The better route would be for myself and the doctor, especially one who resides in a revolutionary Islamic country and should be aware that there is even imperialism in medical policy and protocols, to mutually agree that myself as a journalist and researcher and themselves as a medical doctor both know things that the other party does not know, and therefore we can both learn from each other and try to find a common ground based off understanding the truth and looking out for the best interests of the child.

Instead, I usually get hit with the following strawman arguments and other logical fallacies which I have never stated nor do I believe in:

  1. “If you don’t vaccinate, your child will be at great risk for contracting debilitating diseases like tenatus”
    • I started off this discussion by saying I am not anti-vaccine and intend to vaccinate my child, and the tetanus vaccine is one of the vaccines my child will receive within the first year of their life, according to Dr. Paul’s suggested schedule
  2. “I understand you are anti-American and we don’t like America either, but America is good when it comes to knowledge and science which has saved many lives”
    • I am not an extremist and have never said that 100% of things from the west are bad, including science. However, I am a journalist and a researcher, and we must acknowledge the truth that the scientific system in the west is highly corrupt and subjected to bribery as well as various sinister agendas such as global depopulation, and scientific studies can be manipulated and skewed to benefit a certain agenda. We cannot just think that America is only evil in politics and military, and everywhere else it is totally pure and innocent. That doesn’t mean there is no benefit in their sciences, because the devil must always use truth as a means to sell falsehood, by mixing the two. If it was only misery, then all humanity would refuse western “progress.” So they must make it have benefits, in order to place the poison inside the outer layer of benefit. I know the history of the Rockefeller family taking over the medical system. The head of the WHO is not a doctor, nor is Bill Gates. Are they not evil people?
  3. “Dr. Paul Thomas is only one person, we cannot take the opinion of one person and go by it.”
    • But you are willing to take the opinion of one person or one entity, so long as they are the “official” experts selected by the child-killing western regimes. We should apply your standards equally then. Why do you only pay attention to the experts who are intentionally selected by the Satanic powers in order to fulfill a particular agenda? “Experts” who themselves have no morals and ethics and are fully willing and capable to misuse and abuse their scientific knowledge to intentionally harm people allow themselves to be at the service of the tyrannical regimes just as the same as the magicians of Egypt were at the service of Pharaoh. Let us put the illusions aside and just admit that you prefer to follow the representatives of the arrogant powers, and not independent-minded scientists who seek the truth instead of seeking to carry out certain agendas which harm the human population.
  4. “The Prophet Muhammad (S) said seek knowledge from cradle to grave and from all corners of the earth, even as far as China”
    • Yes, but our religion also encourages us to have basira (deep insight) to be able to discern truth from falsehood, from pure knowledge from corrupted knowledge. That is why journalists and researchers whose primary aim is to expose evil, corruption, lies, and falsehood should be respected and their findings at least pondered over. You, as a medical expert, can take these facts about corruption and then use your own expertise to build upon it and refine such findings.
  5. “Yes, you have a choice, but your child doesn’t have a choice.”
    • Neither does the child have a choice when you subject it to the standards of the corrupted American CDC and the wicked WHO. The same as before, let us be consistent with our standards, instead of having double standards: one for those who seek the truth and come to conclusions independently, and another standard for those who follow the selected representatives of the Satanic powers who intentionally abuse scientific knowledge to harm humanity. So it is not like your route is a guaranteed safe route, and my route is dangerous. My route is the reasonable position, because again I never stated I was anti-vaccine nor that my child will get zero vaccines. My route is actually the safest route, because I will avoid the dangerous diseases you have mentioned, while at the same time avoiding potential for vaccine injury, which you cannot pretend does not exist. My route will prevent the diseases you rightly state should be prevented, but your route will lead to vaccine injury. What will you say if my child is vaccine injured or dies? My route is the only route that will prevent these dangerous diseases while drastically reducing the risks of vaccine injuries and long term side effects. Therefore, the same statement must be directed back to you: my child also doesn’t have a choice when you impose corrupted American imperialist and Zionist standards on my child. Honestly, I take great offense at being patronized and talked down to about my own child especially when my views on vaccines come from well-researched, evidence-based claims.

These are the more respectful encounters. I have been insulted by other doctors when I refused to blindly follow their orders. They were mad that I could critically think, did my research, and understood the Satanic powers more than they did in order to not fully trust the fruits of such a system without thorough investigation. They are used to blind trust. Their institution survives not because of sound scientific practices, but rather because they function like a corrupted religion, relying solely on rigidly enforced dogma and blind faith.

Meanwhile, a truly active faith in Islam — particularly Shi’a Islam — frees the human being and is not based on the weak foundations that corrupted religions such as Scientism rely on. It’s rules and constraints found in the Shari’a are not meant to confine the human being, but give them the proper tools and foundation to fly towards the heaven, rather than be lost in the darkness to be enslaved by their whims and passions. Rather than blind faith, this religion encourages use of the ‘aql (intellect, reason, but not in the atheistic sense that Masons and liberals use those terms) and basira.

Intellect plus insight allows the believer to look at how the agents of the devil on earth arrange the systems we live in, how the devils see society from a bird’s eye view and arrange all these related facets — health, finance, medicine, education, media, culture, philosophy, etc. — so as to entrap us. It is not an accident that the system traps us with junk food, usury-based economies, brainwashing disguised as education, hedonistic culture, and corrupted medicine, which can take a beneficial invention for humanity like vaccines which have saved lives when used according to the older vaccine schedules which were more spread out, but its overuse has become a lot like the overuse of antibiotics (as Dr. Paul makes the comparison to) and treating certain ingredients as an untouchable sanctity has done a disservice to this important medical preventative treatment.

Sheikh Alireza Panahian alludes to how an active faith in God leads the believer to be able to clearly see the machinations of the enemies of God and mankind:

Unfortunately, some non-Muslims like Dr. Paul are more ahead of the curve of understanding the enemy than those who have passively inherited their faith from their parents. Why are Muslims, who are supposed to bow before no one but God, allowing themselves to be mentally colonized by the Americans, British, and Zionists in their systems of abusing scientific knowledge for the purpose of harming humanity?

In this case, they are being servants of the oppressors, instead of being an aid to those millions or even billions of people oppressed by the Big Pharma mafia. The world is looking for someone to stand up to these bullies from the pharmaceutical mafia who harm and even kill the loved ones of many people around the world. Why do we let non-Muslims take all the credit for standing up to these oppressors? Why are the lovers of Imam Ali (as) and Imam Hussain (as) not at the forefront of this battle?

The least that this humble author who is speaking to you can do is fight this battle when it comes to my own children. America’s evil is not just limited to military and politics, but extends to many facets as well. Unfortunately, the liberal, western-minded politicians of Iran, especially under the Rouhani administration, have totally made the Health Ministry subservient to the American corrupted system and the criminal WHO who had a hand in the creation of the man-made coronavirus.

Our exclusive interview with independent-minded Iranian scientist Dr. Ali Karami touched on the issue of Iran’s near total compliance with WHO protocols:

Basira Press: Iran currently works with the WHO in near full compliance. Do you believe that the WHO is a trustworthy organization? Should Iran separate from the WHO and instead create its own healthcare model?

Professor Ali Karami: The policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran is constructive and reciprocal interaction in accordance with international law and of course the constitutional and national values and standards and respect for national rights and values.

Therefore, Iran is a member of all important international organizations such as the United Nations, WHO, UNIDO, FAO, UNESCO, etc.

But this is not a reason for Iran to be a subject and slave of these organizations.

Iranian values and laws are accepted, but not otherwise – just as the implementation of the UN 2030 document in Iran was stopped and banned. In the case of WHO, what is in accordance with the values and laws of Iran is accepted, but other than that should not be accepted.

Unfortunately, some managers and academics in Iran are completely subordinate to these organizations. Iranian & Islamic values certainly do not approve of this way of thinking, and they should be replaced by independent, knowledgeable, and committed managers and experts.

With Allah’s help, the Health Ministry of Iran and all anti-imperialist nations will become revolutionary and align itself with the mission of Imam Khomeini (ra) and Imam Khamenei who take a balanced approach to science and progress, who will take all the good aspects of modern medicine, avoiding extreme approaches that seek to discard all modern developments, while also discarding the corrupted elements and seeking counsel from independent-minded experts, and not the appointed experts selected by the Satanic rulers for the sake of abusing science to implement wicked agendas and harm peoples’ health.

God willing, revolutionary health ministries in our region will openly challenge the US and Zionists on their historical crimes of biological terrorism and censoring various treatments for illnesses.

This article presented a rational, balanced approach to the issue of vaccines. This does not constitute nor substitute medical advice nor is it one-size-fits-all. However, it allows families to learn more so that they can embark on a balanced path forward to avoid both extremities which carry their risks and drawbacks.

The risk of not vaccinating could lead to childhood death or a debilitating disease like tetanus, but the risk of going along with the overwhelming CDC/WHO recommended schedule can also lead to severe repercussions like vaccine injuries. Don’t let extremists or those brainwashed by the corrupted American-Zionist system tell you that you cannot have your cake and eat it too when it comes to vaccines. You can prevent both dangerous illnesses and avoid vaccine injuries by pursuing a safer, slower, and fully informed vaccination schedule for your children.

This article was reviewed by a post-grad medical student* (who is not a brainwashed robot and thus can take a balanced approach) and no objections were made, feedback was only positive.

*Yes, modern medical school, not even a naturopathic medical student, although naturopathic universities are just as valid.


  • Ali Salaam

    Ali Salaam is the founder and editor-in-chief of Basira Press. Coming from a background of independent journalism, his journey of truth seeking led him to accept Islam in 2013. He has been published on Mint Press News, Crescent International Magazine,, and American Herald Tribune, the latter of which was shut down by the FBI. He created in 2018 in order to create a home for God-conscious, revolutionary artists to be discovered under one roof. Due to a lack of coverage of soft war issues in Islamic resistance media, he created Basira Press in 2022 to fill the gaps, doing so with the utmost respect for other outlets given that we are all on the same team striving for the same goal.

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