Health & MedicineResearch

The Re-Population Agenda & Overcoming Infertility

The US government document NSSM 200 explicitly states that their foreign policy is best served by reducing the population of adversarial nations. Therefore, having large families is an act of resistance. This overview of how to overcome obstacles to having children is dedicated to the broken hearts of struggling couples.

In the Holy Qur’an, Allah often states that many people are deluded by the wares of this temporary world, including children and wealth. It is not hard to see in practical terms how some people in this world view children as just another material possession, alongside their bank accounts, cars, homes, and other physical assets. It is a source of bragging and boasting, and a mere vessel for transferring ownership of material wealth after the parents return to their Creator.

However, there is a more healthy and lofty way of looking at children and how they are far more valuable and important than inanimate objects like money, cars, and properties. As Allah made the human being to be his vicegerent on earth, coinciding with the free will to not fulfill that role and instead be the servant of Satan and a source of bloodshed and corruption, childraising plays a lofty role in determining the fate and outcome of society. We can raise our children to be a conduit for divine light and godly values, or conduits of darkness and evil, or simply mundane “neutrality” of neither being here nor there.

A prison guard was speaking to Imam Khomeini when he was in jail, and while the exact wording of the guard’s question slips my mind, it was something like how can he lead a revolution without an army, to which the Imam said that his army is in the laps of their mothers. The guard laughed off this notion of an army of infants and toddlers. However, the Imam was right, as the Islamic Revolution succeeded by the time that the toddlers at the time of the Imam’s statements had become young adults.

Human beings are not like animals and raising a child is not like having a pet. There is more to childraising than providing shelter, clothing, and food. The soul of a human being has been given the essence of the spirit of God, namely his 99 names/characteristics (the Most Merciful, the Most Just, the Most Forgiving, the Most Wise, etc.) as a latent potential for human beings to actualize. However, through negligence, ignorance, arrogance, greed, and evil, many human beings fail to actualize this latent potential and in fact go into the negative and become the opposite of these names.

Proper childraising therefore contributes to the human extracting these jewels hidden within their latent potential towards goodness, or keeps these jewels hidden or even worse, destroys these jewels. “Child-free” people who keep only dogs and cats are those who are physically mature as able-bodied adults, but still mentally immature, so keeping animals is easy for them, because feeding and other basic necessities is easy; it takes a mature and morally-upright human being to truly take on the responsibility of a human child and shaping this child into a proper human being whom manifests the names of Allah on this earth.

The world has become very corrupt because people are corrupt, and childraising is one of the most important factors in what shapes the future of society. Childraising is therefore a huge responsibility. If decent and morally upright people who acknowledge the existence of the divine Creator, who is one without partner in His rule, have more children, then they offset the percentage of corrupt people in this world by providing more righteous people in this world.

We should see childraising as a duty which shapes history and the future of mankind. Is it any wonder why Imam Khamenei has referred to mothers as “builders of civilizations”? Unfortunately, western liberalism, with its heavy attachment to ego and the idol of the self, has fooled many people into thinking that marriage and children are “burdens” and “obstacles” to selfish pursuits of chasing money and other trivial matters. Aside from cultural engineering, various unhealthy foods, diets, and lifestyles are also a way the Satanic powers chemically engineer this status quo of small families. The book Count Down by Shanna Swan is a shocking look into how fertility rates have plummeted globally.

This attachment to the importance of childraising, seeing it as a duty and an act of resistance in today’s dark and corrupt world, first entered my mind after reading The Compassionate Family by Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, about one or two years after I got married. Especially since I also knew about the depopulation agenda of Bill Gates and other eugenics-supporting Satanic elites, this completely re-oriented my outlook on the purpose of marriage and family.

Our readers should be familiarized with how the leaders of the Satanic powers openly state that the world’s population should be reduced, including within US government documents, thus making depopulation official US policy and re-population an act of resistance against cultural imperialism.

“The study should assess … the likelihood that population growth or imbalances will produce disruptive foreign policies and international instability. The study should then offer possible courses of action for the United States in dealing with population matters abroad, particularly in developing countries, with special attention to these questions: What, if any, new initiatives bу the United States are needed to focus international attention on the population problem? Can technological innovations or development reduce growth or ameliorate its effects? Could the United States improve its assistance in the population field and if so, in what form and through which agencies — bi­lateral, multilateral, private?”

Excerpts from the National Security Study Memorandum (NSSM) 200, an official US government document written by Henry Kissinger on 24 April 1974, addressed to the US secretaries of Defense, Agriculture, State, and the director of the CIA.

“First, we’ve got population. The world today has 6.8 billion people – that’s headed up to about 9 billion. Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, healthcare, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.” “As we make the world healthier, is the population going to get so big that feeding everybody and maintaining the environment is going to be impossible?”

– Bill Gates

In contrast, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei, has been openly advocating for large families for years now, based on the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (S) who said to “get married, have children, and increase your population.” Ayatollah Khamenei and Russian President Vladimir Putin are among the few world leaders who advocate for large families. The rest are unfortunately following the UN 2030 program, leading their own people into the slaughterhouse.

While I am not perfect, I do my best to act based on what I know. Prior to that, I honestly had no plans on having children in the short-term future and I didn’t know when we would decide to have children. I didn’t even know why we were delaying. But after reading that book, I knew how illogical it was to delay children, especially as with age, we become less fertile, especially women with the biological clock and short window to have children, especially safely, as childbirth at older ages becomes more risky, although not always.

It was this book that made us realize that we should not delay having children anymore. However, there were some problems. As a disclaimer, I know that modesty, shame, and shyness is important, but my intention here is to help hundreds if not thousands of struggling couples who have been trying to have children for years but it hasn’t happened. While for some people, it may not be ever possible and nothing can help them, in many cases it is totally possible to improve and have a greater chance of overcoming this rut and it is mostly due to environmental factors which are changeable.

With that said, for the sake of helping others, I must divulge some personal facts. We had obstacles to having children, so much so that from the time we decided to stop delaying children around early 2017, it took us until 2023 to have our first pregnancy, which sadly ended in a miscarriage, and then until 2024 when our second pregnancy by the grace and mercy of Allah was successful and we had our first baby girl who filled our home with light and a great responsibility to serve Allah instead of our previous life which was somewhat centered around service to self.

Both my wife and I had to do a lot of things and radical lifestyle changes in order to improve our ability to have children. My wife was eventually diagnosed with PCOS, but she has had its symptoms her whole life. When we married, the idiot brainwashed agents of Big Pharma had prescribed her mild birth control pills, which according to mainstream sources such as WebMD and others, can either worsen PCOS, or give PCOS to perfectly healthy women. These brainwashed robots who dish out these pills don’t know how to think logically and the system is designed for many aspects to be the total opposite of logic and what is best for the patient. They didn’t even spend the time to diagnose her properly, but were quick to give her a pill to mask symptoms that they couldn’t even properly identify the cause of.

Due to my background as an independent journalist and researcher, I’m naturally skeptical of Big Pharma, to put it lightly (although without being someone who goes to the opposite extreme, as I don’t reject all modern advances). When we got married, she finished her last box of the pills (in case going off of them prematurely creates problems), and immediately went to herbal remedies such as Chaste Tree Berry. However, that was the most simplistic approach compared to what we know now.

Our diet was okay in that we weren’t eating tons of chemicals and fake food, and we ate only non-GMO and organic food. Our life was relatively simple, we lived in a lower income part of the city, didn’t have so many fancy items, and so we placed our priority in having real, healthy food, because in this fake, plastic world run by agents of Satan, having something real is an act of resistance and reminds us of what Allah created for us that these devils intentionally keep away from the masses.

But the substance of what we were eating was still not optimally healthy. We were just eating organic unhealthy food. A slight upgrade, but not good enough. I had no idea about the importance of healthy fats and cholesterol in hormone production and blood sugar regulation, as we still cooked with standard cooking oils, such as sunflower oil, albeit non-GMO and cold-pressed instead of the standard ultra processed versions. Since halal meat is more expensive in the US, we didn’t eat meat too often, and would often get easy to prepare foods, so I bought organic veggie burgers, which lack the essential nutrients needed for our bodies to produce what it needs and perhaps might make things worse.

Also, due to my bad upbringing, one of the many things I was deprived of as a child was the value of sport and exercise. I did boxing for some time in middle school, but other than that, I never really was super physically active.

A single herb is thus not especially effective when we don’t also factor in diet and lifestyle. They are called “supplements” for a reason: because they are supplementary. Without a good foundation, what can really be supplemented?

We both went in for testing to get an assessment of our ability and readiness to have children. My wife’s diagnosis came in, and I also was told by my doctors that while I am not infertile, I was on the lower side and could still increase all my markers and should change my lifestyle, diet, and also take certain supplements. This was especially important due to issues I have with my blood circulation not being optimal, and so the issues compound when I don’t get enough exercise nor eat the proper foods.

So, we embarked on a journey to reclaim our health and our ability to contribute to this earth righteous children to offset the amount of corrupted people. No doctor, neither naturopathic nor allopathic, gave us the full piece of the puzzle. It was only after several years and seeing both natural and modern medicine doctors across several countries – US, Japan, Lebanon, and Iran – that we finally got a big picture of what we needed to do.

However, even in the short-term, from when we first started doing testing and beginning different treatments and lifestyle changes, there were some small improvements. We got gym memberships and started to go to the gym, and I also joined a boxing gym on the side as well. From my first test in 2017 to my second test later that year or in 2018, all markers improved, and I hadn’t even begun the real radical changes in diet yet.

At least for many years I had cut out so many of the hormone-disrupting chemicals from my life. Prior to accepting Islam, not only was the state of my soul drowning in ignorance, but so was my diet and lifestyle. When I was in university for a short period of time, my breakfast was ice cream sundae flavored Pop Tarts for breakfast. Even the fruit-filled ones, while still unhealthy, were not as unhealthy as this totally artificial one. I would spray my clothes with Fabreeze after doing the laundry, and spray my room in general with it. The toxic artificial fragrances, often in the form of phthalates, are known hormone disruptors that reduce testosterone in males. Also, my alcohol and marijuana consumption added to the reduction of testosterone.

I was in bad, bad shape. Alhamdulillah, through my journalism and discovering the evils of Monsanto, I changed my diet quickly and got rid of everything that was artificial and filled with toxic chemicals. Within a year, I had also accepted Islam, although quitting alcohol actually came before I accepted Islam. It was harder to get rid of marijuana, but I became fully sober a short while after accepting the wilaya of Ahlul Bayt (as), who put me on a firm path to the gradual transformation away from my negative traits.

While I was still eating organic versions of not-so-healthy foods, at least the most vicious of culprits were removed from my life, namely various hormone-disrupting chemicals (no more Fabreeze or any chemical perfumes/fragrances) and no more junk food (i.e. Pop Tarts).

It has been more than a decade since Allah helped me to salvage both my body and my soul, I hope to pass on this wealth of experience – plus the evidence and science that backs it up – to the dear reader so they can contribute to the Re-Population Agenda, as an act of resistance against the Satanic powers’ depopulation agenda.

All our experiences and gaining knowledge about different aspects of reproductive health led to results. We didn’t even have to do IUI or IVF. Alhamdulillah, our prayers were finally answered. While we would have loved to have had children earlier, we can see the wisdom that Allah had in this, as we had left the US in 2019 and were a bit unstable, hopping around between countries before finally settling in the Islamic Republic of Iran in 2022.

We didn’t know how long we would have to wait to have children, or if we could, that we would only have one or two, when we want to counter the self-centered American model of one or two kids and a dog at best, by having at least three or more (to exceed replacement value). Several years ago my wife gave me permission to marry a second wife, as this is a case where such a blessed family arrangement within Islam has a legitimate purpose, as opposed to those who have abused it, mostly by doing it secretly and without good reason, thus disrupting the tranquility and trust of their household, but that didn’t materialize yet either, also due to the wisdom of Allah.

Islam is a holistic system – in cases like my family’s, I shouldn’t have to be stuck with the choice of being an absolute jerk who abandons his wife through divorce for something out of her control, nor should I be stuck without contributing righteous children to this world. Thanks to Allah’s system of justice, I can indeed have it both ways by not abandoning my wife while also being able to have many children, if my intention is for the right reasons, and Allah knows best what is within us.

For years, we would often cry due to our struggles and long waiting, but alhamdulillah, in May 2024, Allah ended our long struggle with mercy and I have enjoyed and cherished every single hardship and sleepless night with my daughter. The long wait helps us to appreciate the blessing, as opposed to those who take this all for granted.

To the reader, know that you are not alone. InshaAllah, with the right intention and commitment, if you do your duty by improving your health and leading a pure lifestyle, it will compliment the power of your du’a and prayers. Allah brings the relief from the metaphysical realm to those who do their duties in the physical realm.

While some of these tips relate directly to reproductive health, honestly so many of them apply to general health. If you secure your foundation with the proper diet and lifestyle, then your general health will also improve. In my wife’s case, aside from difficulty having children, her condition negatively affected her general health and made her daily life full of little inconveniences and difficulties.

Step 1: What Not to Do

The process of elimination is as important as what we do. These chemicals that we consume on a daily basis are so powerful that eating healthy and exercising will be limited in its benefit, although the ideal is to do both elimination (negative) and correct action (positive).

Let’s examine step-by-step what are the key culprits that worsen any potential infertility issues that couples may have – and don’t be mistaken, perfectly healthy people should also abide by these things too, so as to unleash their full potential to use all faculties of their body in service to Allah, and avoid cancer and other such things later down the line.

  1. Cut out all artificial colors, flavors, and other food additives from your life
    1. Save your money and stop spending it on food filled with artificial ingredients and preservatives you cannot pronounce, and use that money towards real food. Just as Satan tricks us to do sins by making such evil actions look beautiful, the Satanic food system tricks us through our taste buds. However, those who seek to lead a spiritual life should not be led around and enslaved by their taste buds and stomachs. All studies show that artificial colors cause behavioral issues in children. Food additives in general cause problems. Eat minimally processed foods without synthetic ingredients. There are so many ways to preserve foods naturally, such as salt, lemon juice, honey, vinegar, and others.
  2. Cut out processed sugars and artificial sweeteners
    1. One thing we didn’t learn about hormones and PCOS until maybe 2021 was the issue of insulin resistance and not overloading our pancreas. Carbs and sugar obviously increase our blood sugar, so while we definitely didn’t eat processed sugars, we cut down on our carbs a lot as well. The Keto diet is way, way too extreme, even if its premise is correct. We just reduced our carbs to reasonable, moderate amounts, compared to the standard American diet of mountains of rice and endless loaves of bread, since their Masonic food pyramid states that the majority of our diet should be carbs (wheat and rice).
    1. Artificial sweeteners are also problematic, except for natural ones like stevia (although some people have allergies to it due to the type of family of herbs stevia belongs to, so make sure you don’t have allergies). However, chemical artificial sweeteners like sorbitol, sucralose, aspartame, and more are all problematic. Aspartame itself is the excrement of a genetically modified bacteria. Not appetizing at all!
    2. Stop drinking soda and artificial candies and sweets. I haven’t had soda in over a decade, except a handful of times when it was a natural/organic soda and even then it still has so much sugar that I got a headache!
  3. Stop using fluoride toothpaste
    1. Readers can pour over an article we published which serves as a primer to demonstrate that science proves fluoride in toothpaste and water is a neurotoxin and has not contributed to a reduction in tooth decay. Europe does not have fluoride added to its water and they have had the same reduction in tooth decay as the US which has most of its water sources fluoridated. Fluoride is also not a nutrient, but a pharmaceutical, so adding it to water is forced medication which is quite unethical, especially as the dose can’t be regulated, which is dangerous for small children. Get a water filter if you live in the US, and find an herbal toothpaste brand. If the price is too expensive, then you can make your own toothpaste using water, baking soda, salt, and any kind of essential oil you like, such as mint or cinnamon. Natural sources of dental health and cavity prevention include baking soda, salt, honey, coconut oil, neem oil, thyme, and the wood of the “miswak” (persica) tree. Many herbal toothpastes have a combination of these ingredients.
  4. Stop using fake perfumes and fragrances
    1. We also published an article on how the chemicals in synthetic perfumes are linked to cancer and infertility. Oh the irony, they use sex to sell their perfumes, but then the chemicals in their perfume messes up our hormones which reduces our desire for intimacy and lowers our reproductive health. This is true even of luxury brands. Just because the price is high and the brand is well-known, doesn’t mean they are using the most high-grade ingredients! In fact, the majority of what you are paying is purely their profit. The chemicals are cheap and probably cost pennies on the dollar per unit to make. It is the brand and symbol which you are buying. Don’t poison yourself and your loved ones just to have a status symbol. The true luxury perfume is the one made of pure ingredients. If you cannot find any pre-made ones, you can make your own. Due to the fact that essential oils are highly concentrated and many can cause skin irritation if not diluted, use a neutral carrier oil like jojoba, olive, or almond oil and add as many drops of essential oil as you like. However, I personally recommend the perfumes produced by Lebanese natural beauty products brand Khan Al Saboun, as well as those produced within Iran that are typically sold at the holy shrines in Qom and Mashhad.
    1. This is also important when it comes to bearing children because the article we wrote also shows how chemicals in these perfumes were found in umbilical cord blood. The Satanic powers cannot help but to harm babies, whether in the womb with toxic chemicals or in Gaza with two ton bombs.
  5. Stop using chemical deoderants
    1. Parabens are another synthetic preservative that disrupts hormones. Synthetic deoderants and antiperspirants have both parabens and aluminum salts, in addition to artificial fragrances. This is even more dangerous when we take into consideration the location of lymph nodes in the underarms, making such things especially dangerous for women due to the risks of breast cancer.
    1. Gut health is linked to many things, including the intensity of body odor. Eating a wholesome diet will improve our own scent.
    1. Personally speaking, I wonder if these synthetic soaps contribute to bad body odor since these petrochemical soaps dry the skin out and perhaps destroy the natural beneficial bacteria that coexists on our skins surface to help counterbalance bad bacteria. Sometimes you are in a taxi or a bus and something just attacks your nose in a very sharp and intense way, and that person perhaps took a shower that morning, but due to using these synthetic petrochemical soaps, it destroys even the beneficial things on their skin. This is just an educated guess. It may also be combined with poor dieting as well and an unhealthy gut microbiome. However, from personal experience I have noticed that using natural soaps, such as those made of olive oil or animal fat, result in it taking a lot longer for any kind of bad smells to arrive. This makes traveling a lot easier, as I could be without a shower due to lack of facilities for an extended period of time and yet still not get that nose attacking bad smell. The only exception was when I once bought a not-so-good brand of natural deodorant from a small store in Qom, probably handmade in small batches. I had to wash with soap at least four times in the shower before the smell went away. Give it a try, use natural soaps, natural shampoo, natural deodorant, and natural perfumes, and see how long it takes before you really need a shower.
  6. Cut out BPA as much as possible – and the alternatives aren’t good either
    1. Try to reduce use of plastic containers as much as possible, as BPA is an endocrine-disrupting chemical originally used as a pharmaceutical synthetic estrogen. Why would they put a pharmaceutical in plastic, you ask? Now you understand why I am a conspiracy researcher (“theorist” is a derogatory term, as most of these are facts, not theories…). Alternatives like BPS are not good either. It is impossible to avoid plastic in today’s world, just reduce exposure.
  7. Make sure your Wi-Fi is in a corner of your house far away from where you sit and work and do not keep your phone in your pockets next to sensitive body organs
    1. Electromagnetic frequency (EMF) radiation is bad for our health. However, today’s world necessitates its use, especially in the soft war of truth vs. falsehood. Therefore, balance is key. Distance is your savior. The difference in radiation levels by a short distance is significant. Don’t keep your phone in your pocket, carry a bag and keep it in there. In the car, place your phone in a dashboard mount or in the cupholder. Don’t put your laptop directly in your lap. Don’t sleep with your phone near your head – turn it on airplane mode and put it on a dresser nearby. Turn off the Wi-Fi router at night when no one is using it – save yourself the radiation and the electricity expenses, even if only a small amount of savings. Blue light radiation which emits from our screens also affects our circadian rhythm which affects our sleep cycle and quality of sleep, which in turn affects our hormones.
    1. Yes, AirPods and Bluetooth headsets also count as sources of EMF radiation. Try to stay wired as much as possible.
  8. Cut out processed, refined cooking oils
    1. America LIED about cholesterol and heart health. The initial studies were funded by the sugar industry and the studies itself were based on not so strong forms of data, either via observation or correlation or something like that. Cholesterol is actually a key ingredient our bodies use to produce hormones. The “heart healthy” oils that we are told to use – canola, soy, corn, and others – are actually quite unhealthy and do not give our bodies the healthy fats needed to produce hormones and regulate blood sugar. Additionally, these oils are not cold pressed or pure, but are put through a multi-stage refinement process involving washing with chemical solvents. It is not meant for human consumption and was originally used in car engines and industrial machines.
    1. That doesn’t mean we should be drinking butter like it is water, but replacing these unhealthy fats with healthy fats (the what to do section will give examples) in the same normal amounts will improve hormonal health. These processed, refined oils have been in use since the mid 1900s, and yet people have only gotten more fat, sick, and infertile due to it. Heart issues have increased greatly. McDonald’s fries used to be cooked in beef tallow before switching to processed, refined oils.
  9. Make sure to wear clothing made of natural fibers
    1. Cotton, linen (flax or hemp), and wool are the primary natural fibers. Polyester clothing is basically plastic, and with that comes all the chemicals found in plastic. Polyester is only useful for things like waterproof clothing such as rain jackets and winter jackets, but it should not be the primary thing that touches our skin for hours in a day. This includes inner wear, as you don’t want hormone-disrupting chemicals near sensitive areas.
    1. Our feet are also sensitive organs (skin in general is one big organ that absorbs what it touches), so be sure to use carpets made of wool or cotton, and not polyester or acrylic. If you like to wear slippers in the house, make sure they are made of natural materials as well. Try to use natural fibers for bedding as well, and there are some mattress brands that use cotton instead of polyester.
  10. Don’t be a vegan or vegetarian – plain and simple
  11. What not to use/eat – men’s edition
    1. It is important to be aware of many estrogenic foods and ingredients which we may consume regularly. Examples include soy, which can elevate estrogen levels in men. Hops, the primary ingredient in beer (both alcoholic and non-alcoholic), is even more estrogenic than soy. Flax seeds are also estrogenic. Scrap the tight pants – stop copying fruity Europeans. If you have a physical issue that more tight-fitting underwear alleviates, then at least wear loose-fitting pants on top so that you have enough airflow to keep cool and prevent too much constriction of bloodflow, especially if you have circulation issues generally or in certain parts of your body.This relates to the artificial perfumes and fragrances, but deodorant sprays like the famous Axe brand or others are not only toxic, but they smell awful. Honestly, how can anyone be attracted by such scents? The scents that Allah made in plants are so much better.
    1. If you are struggling to quit a sin like pornography, quit it as soon as possible. It is damaging physically, psychologically, and spiritually. If finding the right wife for a permanent marriage is a struggle, Allah in His wisdom created the institution of temporary marriage, which if used for certain situations and not abused/overused, can alleviate many social problems. As Dr. E. Michael Jones said, sexual liberation is political control and pornography is a weapon. There is a reason that Jewish Zionists are among the main owners of this exploitative and dehumanizing industry. This is an industry which dehumanizes women and reduces them to a collection of body parts, it is the most evil thing.
  12. What not to use/eat – women’s edition
    1. Do not use chemical makeup – do not poison yourself in order to catch your husband’s attention, as these brands fill their products with carcinogens and hormone-disrupting additives. Find natural brands or research how to make your own products at home. These Zionist corporations do not care about you, your health, or your family’s health. When you physically interact with your husband, ultimately some part of that makeup rubs off on him and he also gets those chemicals. Even when you show affection to family members or children, part of your makeup may also rub off on them and they will also be negatively affected. As a rule of thumb with everything, go natural. This also includes hair dyes and any cosmetic products.
    1. Soy and flax are not a bad idea to consume in moderation, since women are estrogenic and estrogenic foods may not harm them if not consumed in excess, but you should do your own research and speak to a nutritionist based on your own personal needs and health profile. If you determine that moderate consumption of soy and flax are not problematic for you to consume, always try to find non-GMO soy. Avoid GMO soy at all costs.

Lastly, it is worth it to say that we should avoid like the plague the new mRNA technology vaccines used by Pfizer and Moderna during the man-made coronavirus pandemic. Leaked Pfizer trial documents showed that early on they knew that it would negatively affect sensitive bodily organs, including the reproductive system. If you already took the vaccine, do not take anymore, and try to find Nattokinase supplements (avoid though if you already take blood thinners or are not allowed to take blood thinning medications). A nattokinase-based supplement was created to help people detoxify from the spike protein and reverse the effects of the mRNA vaccines.

Step 2: What To Do

We can’t just promote a negative, without giving you a positive to complement it.

  1. Exercise according to your ability
    1. Exercise as much as you can within your own physical limitations. Gradually, those limitations will increase, but if you have certain conditions like hernia or heart conditions, exercise within your limits and don’t push yourself beyond those limits, which could land you in the hospital.
  2. Eat meat
    1. Meat is some of the most nutrient-dense rich foods on the planet and the idea that cows are bad for the planet is a myth based on purposeful misinterpretation of data.
    1. The idea that red meat is bad for you is also based on the lie that cholesterol is bad for you. Chicken has less fat, so less of what your body needs to produce hormones. Additionally, many chickens are fed fast-growth hormones so it can disrupt your hormones even more.
    1. Eat organ means like liver, heart, brain, and stomach.
    1. Islam teaches balance – there are famous hadith which say to eat meat at least once every 40 days, but do not turn our stomachs into graveyards of animals. Moderation is key. All day every day will have as many negative spiritual and health effects as being a vegan or vegetarian.
  3. Use healthy fats in your food
    1. What should we be using if we cut out refined oils made from corn, soy, and canola? Unrefined oils such as olive, coconut, and avocado are good, but make sure that olive and avocado are used on low heats, as high heat damages them, and are pure and not mixed with refined oils. Coconut oil is good for higher heats. The best fats are animal fats such as butter, ghee, and tallow. However, since those are usually more expensive, if you must use a less expensive oil, find unprocessed, cold-pressed, and unrefined sesame seed or sunflower seed oils.
    1. Do not use these in excess just because they are healthy. Use them in normal amounts.
    1. This includes dairy, do not purchase low-fat dairy unless you have some rare health condition. Always buy full-fat dairy, and make sure it is only regularly pasteurized and not ultra-pasteurized. However, if you live in a country where you can buy raw milk which is packaged safely into a sealed bottle immediately after milking (minimizing any chance for foreign microbes to enter), raw milk is very healthy. However, light pasteurization kills the bad stuff while keeping the good stuff in tact. Ultra pasteurization kills everything, both good and bad. In Iran, raw milk is sold at most traditional dairy sellers, but due to it being transported in tanks and not sealed individual bottles, it has to be boiled because foreign microbes definitely entered, but light boiling for a short period of time will keep the good stuff in tact, unlike industrial ultra-pasteurization.
  4. A tidbit from Persian traditional medicine: temperaments
    1. In Persian traditional medicine, foods are divided into different categories: cold and warm, dry and wet. This is not based on how they actually are, for example a liquid can even be on the dry side as far as its temperament (which really means nature), and has nothing to do with its temperature. For example, cow’s meat is cold natured while sheep’s meat is warm natured. This is true no matter if the meat is raw and cold in temperature, or if it is hot off the barbeque pit. Same thing goes for herbs and vegetables: vegetables that are at the same temperature can have different nature, such as lettuce being cold natured and mint being warm natured.
    1. A human should not be to either extreme, such as excess warm natured foods or excess cold natured food. Balance is key, but we are encouraged to lean slightly more towards the warm natured side. It is interesting to note that regular cow’s milk is cold natured, while Jersey cow’s milk (which has the more easily-digestible A2 protein) is warm natured. Milk and dairy products from goats, sheep, and camels are also warm natured. Try to eat more warm natured foods, but always balance it out with some cold natured foods.
  5. Deal with insulin resistance
    1. Honey and other fruit sugars are not to be feared. Avoiding processed sugars such as white sugar and high fructose corn syrup, as well as chemical fake sweeteners which trick your brain and mess up your metabolism, are all that is needed, in addition to eating reasonable amounts of carbs, such as a normal amount of rice rather than a huge mountain overflowing on your plate. Honey has been shown in some studies to help diabetics improve their condition.
    1. A supplement that is crucial and important for regulating this issue is myo-inositol. It is especially good for women who have PCOS, but also good for men too. The most potent form, according to research, is myo-inositol combined with d-chiro-inositol in a 40:1 ratio. Inositol is apparently from the B-vitamin family.
  6. Black seed oil
    1. Use both internally, and externally (massages from all areas starting from the abdomen to the thighs)
  7. Rely on Allah
    1. These are a lot of things that will radically change your lifestyle, especially if you are following the standard model promoted by the biological terrorists who run the US government and put out these cancer-causing, hormone-disrupting chemicals into everything we consume on purpose and not by accident. Once you do your duty, rely on Allah. Reading Qur’an, du’a, pilgrimages, and more will help. Being kind to parents, no matter if they are good or evil (especially if they are evil, Allah reward you for doing what is right no matter how difficult), will help too. I speak from personal experience. Our first pregnancy came after we saw my own parents after several years since leaving the US, which is difficult for me given how hostile my parents were to me following my conversion to Islam in 2013. Unfortunately, we didn’t even know my wife was pregnant shortly thereafter, because it was the most unlikely thing we ever expected. I thought her PCOS had worsened. Even the idea that my parents poisoned her to make her sterile was higher on the list of possibilities than being pregnant. We found out quite late, during the first 10 days of Muharram in 2023, but only a few days later, on the 8th of Muharram, my wife had to be rushed to the emergency room and the doctors said she was having a miscarriage, took her away on a wheelchair into the women’s only section, and the automatic doors closed in my face and I bursted into tears, asking Allah to accept our sacrifice.
    1. Our second pregnancy, which alhamdulillah was successful, came only a few months later after we visited the Imam Hussain (as) shrine in Karbala, Iraq for the Arbaeen pilgrimage. We did all our takleef when it comes to using butter instead of canola oil, eating organ meats, using natural everything, and all what was written above, but the final spiritual push to take us across the finish line came from our acts of worship complementing our worldly duties.
  8. To-Dos for Men
    1. Supplements: There are many fertility supplements out there which help in this regard, usually a combination of vitamins and minerals plus herbs. The two brands we have personally relied on were Fairhaven Health, a supplement company that specializes in infertility treatment, and Eu Naturals. Wilaya Wellness also has some decent products for this area. However, if those are not available, then read this article and look for the following:
      1. Vitamins: Vitamin D, zinc, magnesium (be sure to research the different types of magnesium), Vitamin C
        1. Herbs: Maca, Tribulus, Tongkat Ali, fenugreek. While the studies show that Ashwaghanda do help boost testosterone, not everyone has the same results and some users complain of their problems getting worse.
  9. To-dos for Women
    1. Supplements: Fairhaven Health, Eu Naturals, and Wilaya Wellness all have supplements suited for infertility treatment, for men, women, and for both. Fairhaven’s OvaBoost was very helpful as it contained the necessary ingredients for helping reproductive cells get to their proper size. This article has a comprehensive list on natural treatments for PCOS, but to summarize what we used, here are the following:
      1. Vitamins: Vitamin E, Vitamin D, zinc, magnesium, and chromium (specifically helps with insulin resistance)
        1. Herbs: Chaste Tree Berry, Ashwaghanda, maca, holy basil (tulsi), and probiotics (there are ones specifically designed for women).Aside from myo-inositol for insulin resistance regulation, there are supplements which combine chromium and cinnamon, which should be taken 30 minutes prior to eating.For women who may have endometriosis, forget prescription anti-inflammatories, find decent turmeric-based anti-inflammatory supplements. Make sure that they have black pepper added to increase absorption, and ginger is also a good addition as it is also anti-inflammatory. Doctors suspected my wife may have had it, but they said it can only be diagnosed with a laparoscopy, which involves a quite invasive surgery. We decided against it because it is a condition that can be treated with anti-inflammatory medicine (prescription or natural), and due to the history of laparoscopy in the arsenal of US biological terrorism. The US sent a few hundred doctors out into countries and regions which were either adversarial to their imperialist agenda or had resources they wished to control, and used laparoscopes to sterilize women. It wasn’t worth the risk.
        1. The traditional diets of Palestine, Lebanon, and Syria are known to be incredibly healthy. However, they are different from the so-called “Mediterranean Diet” which is actually not what most people in that region eat. People in that region eat meat, while this contrived “Mediterranean Diet” excludes meat and mostly relies on fish. Red meat is among the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet and most of what is said about its health risks are myths based on lies surrounding cholesterol. In any case, in Persian traditional medicine, cow’s meat is considered cold natured, so rely more on the warm natured meat of sheep and goats. Warm natured camel meat should be used sparingly during pregnancy because its warm nature is very intense and could unbalance the body. However, the way in which Palestinians and Lebanese prepare cow and sheep’s meat should be followed, with of course using whole, unprocessed ingredients and healthy fats/oils instead of the awful canola, corn, and soy oils. Also try to limit caffeine intake.
        1. Research basal body temperature – it can help track times when it is best to try to get pregnant (you will need a special thermometer for it as well).

This article has attempted to be as shy, modest, and the least descriptive as possible, but due to the fact that this is for educational purposes to defeat the enemy’s depopulation agenda, sometimes being descriptive is a must, so forgive me: if the husband’s tests shows a long liquefaction time, the wife can simply lay down flat after intimacy for the amount of time listed on the test.

God willing, this is a good foundation to start on. Everyone has a different body and health profile, so consult with an open-minded doctor who is not brainwashed by the pharmaceutical mafia as to what treatments will help and what may cause you harm, due to allergies or other conditions specific to you. Diet and lifestyle are the primary foundation, and without a good foundation we cannot build a strong house.

This doesn’t even get into what to do during pregnancy, which is a whole other topic. Be sure to be watchful for complications like hematoma, which could lead to miscarriage if undetected. Our daughter almost died in the womb due to hematoma, but we caught it early enough to stop and heal it completely through a combination of natural and modern medicine.

Additionally, there was a concern about premature birth due to excessive water (related to blood sugar and diabetes – we didn’t know that inositol is also good during pregnancy to control blood sugar, along with a healthy diet and avoiding junk foods and processed candy entirely). On the week our daughter was born, we were supposed to go in at the end of the week for an induced labor, the drug of which has a host of concerning side effects, which would then go into a c-section and that has its own host of side effects, including slight reduction in fertility health for the next child, in addition to the pain of surgery, and the lack of benefits to the baby’s immune system that a natural birth provides.

Alhamdulillah, a few days prior to our scheduled induction, the moment finally happened and our daughter was able to be born without c-section.

However, a few downsides to our hospital experience worth noting so that others can avoid:

  1. They did not allow me into the labor room, even though the hospital’s doctors promised me in the months prior that I would be allowed in. The ER just took my wife, and did not even inform us of the progress and what was happening, until finally I found out that my daughter was born.
  2. Even though they promised to give our daughter to my wife directly after birth (after assessing if there is any emergency complications, of course) for skin-to-skin contact. They were about to not let that happen until my wife had to shout at them to give the baby, for which they only let the baby hug her for a few minutes, rushing her away thereafter. They also promised that the umbilical cord would be cut after about 5 minutes instead of immediately, and while they didn’t cut it immediately, they didn’t wait a full five minutes either.
  3. For several hours, our daughter was alone in the NICU and they wouldn’t let even me to visit her. I kept coming back each hour. I was concerned, what was she eating? How is she handling the loneliness? Finally they let me in. She was crying and crying. As soon as I hugged her, she calmed down, and even moreso when I started to recite the adhan and iqama in her ears.
  4. They also took my wife to the ICU for high blood pressure. We have spoken to other doctors, and they said that while they do not have the data from that day, they told us it is possible that it may have not been necessary to go to the ICU and take the sulfate serum. Due to this serum, the hospital doctor told my wife she could not have a drink of water nor a bite of food, despite having just given birth and losing a lot of blood. This also affected her milk supply, although alhamdulillah after some hours her colostrum came in so our daughter was finally able to drink that powerful first milk that is crucial for her immune system, especially as we chose to delay vaccines until at least two months. Refer to our article which summarizes The Vaccine-Friendly Plan by Dr. Paul Thomas, MD on a balanced approach to childhood vaccinations. We avoid vaccines primarily due to the harmful ingredients used within them, and not out of opposition to vaccines themselves. We are not against vaccines, we are against thimerosal (a form of mercury, unsafe at any level) and giving babies 10 times the safe level of aluminum per kilogram of body weight. Unfortunately, most childhood vaccines in Iran have thimerosal in them while the US has removed thimerosal from most vaccines since the year 2001, making Iran 23 years behind the colonizers. In order to opt-out of newborn vaccines, I had to sign a liability waiver, but alhamdulillah it was indeed possible. She got her first vaccine at around 2 and a half months, and we will continue to vaccinate her at a slow pace, no more frequent than once per month, or even less due to the fact that some of the shots are combination shots (Dr. Thomas’ plan lists those shots as individual doses rather than combos, so we can have even greater rest periods between vaccines).

In general, it seemed that the hospital staff did not even question nor critically think about how most of what they were doing goes against logic and goes against even science which states that skin-to-skin contact and delayed cutting of the umbilical cord is healthy for the baby. It seems like those brainwashed by the corrupted western medical system do everything that is the opposite of logic, the opposite of what gives life (including hindering the mother’s milk supply from coming in due to the effects of these serums, drugs, and lack of food/water following a quite physically intensive labor).

Even the west themselves have abandoned many of these bad practices, but did not update the colonized world. The colonized world is often decades behind their former colonizers, following the old, corrupted models and policies while the colonizer has themselves abandoned such models and policies, but only for themselves of course.

“We must be careful to consult experts who are faithful, honest, believe in the country’s domestic and national capabilities, and recognize our national assets. We must refrain from consulting experts who seek to implement the outdated solutions used by foreigners. Sometimes, an economic, social, or political policy that was considered in other countries some 50 or 70 years ago and has since been discarded, is raised and discussed here! Be careful not to use such experts. Otherwise, the principle of seeking the opinions of experts is truly essential,” the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei, once stated.

We have to think of everything in our lives as strategic. For example, what we choose to buy can help to murder children in Gaza, so we should avoid purchasing certain brands. Just the same, who we choose to marry should be based on lofty criteria, not materialistic criteria.

Childraising should also be met with he same strategic lens: if the enemy tells us in plain language that they want to reduce the population of the earth, both through chemical means (reducing our fertility rates) and cultural means (instilling selfishness and egoism which makes people want to have few or zero children), then we need to resist against such an agenda, and it is an easy agenda to resist because we have direct control over our life decisions. In that sense, in the battlefront of the population wars, we ourselves can serve as the enemy soldiers, making such a thing incredibly self-destructive for both ourselves as individuals and especially for our societies at large who will run into great material and spiritual challenges if our population rate is insufficient.

It’s time that we have our own Re-Population Agenda to challenge the global depopulation agenda. Marriage and family requires selflessness and living a life in service to others, as a life in service to self cannot lead to happiness or fulfillment. Children don’t mean the end of your life, as there are many couples who are able to enjoy their free time and go traveling with children. For our daughters 2nd month birthday, we traveled to the holy cities of Qom and Mashhad almost back-to-back, with a few days rest in between, and had a memorable time.

God willing, sharing our journey is helpful to those who are also struggling with this, including single people who are worried if having any kind of medical difficulties will prevent their chances at finding a spouse. Nothing is a guarantee, and there will always be people for whom this is written in their destiny and nothing can help them, but for most people these will likely lead to some levels of improvement, and God willing successful pregnancies and births.

Imam Khamenei on who decided to abolish the family.

To the stone-minded Wahabbis and akhbaris (Shi’a version of Wahabbi) who have a sickness in their minds and hearts and are always looking for ways to accuse others of haraam while never taking into account their own sins and shortcomings – especially as such accusations cannot be found in the noble Islamic Shari’a, but are just inventions of their own imaginations – it is clear that the intention of this article was educational and even at that, I tried to use as modest and appropriate language as possible, using indirect terminology instead of explicit terms. This is not only educational but necessary in the resistance against the Satanic powers. So please, take one of the stones in your skull where your brain should be and hit yourself in the nose with it and mind your own business. We have a war to fight, don’t get between us and the enemy with your backwardsness.


  • Ali Salaam

    Ali Salaam is the founder and editor-in-chief of Basira Press. Coming from a background of independent journalism, his journey of truth seeking led him to accept Islam in 2013. He has been published on Mint Press News, Crescent International Magazine,, and American Herald Tribune, the latter of which was shut down by the FBI. He created in 2018 in order to create a home for God-conscious, revolutionary artists to be discovered under one roof. Due to a lack of coverage of soft war issues in Islamic resistance media, he created Basira Press in 2022 to fill the gaps, doing so with the utmost respect for other outlets given that we are all on the same team striving for the same goal.

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